Just updated to:
17 aug 07 90 75 truck arrived at final destination Apple Shanghai 17 aug 07
16 aug 07 30 10 departed direct NLAMS07 17 aug 07
16 aug 07 86 14 booking slot obtained NLAMS07 17 aug 07
14 aug 07 32 55 flight departed Kuehne & Nagel Shanghai 17 aug 07
13 aug 07 32 05 Flight Booked Kuehne & Nagel Shanghai 17 aug 07
11 aug 07 30 63 handover at supplier Apple Shanghai 17 aug 07
11 aug 07 30 64 Departed from source Kuehne & Nagel Shanghai 17 aug 07
What exactly is the "final destination"?
Isn't final destination a movie? hahaha sorry that was a bad joke. I am not to sure what Final Destination would mean.