You (others) can still buy, download and sync no differently than before though.
You're right, more and more are moving to streaming only. I personally do both. I have 33GB sync'd to my phone (before Apple Music even started) and have music added to that to fill holes with Apple Music. It's one seamless Library, 95% my previously sync'd, purchased music and 5% albums added from Apple Music. Not once have I been "rrrraaaaaawwwwwwrrrrrr!!! Apple make it impossible to play my own music!" like the very, very few seem to make it out to be.
I'm not saying you're complaining, but to everyone else who actually are. Is it really such a hard life to literally tap ONE button? (My Music tab)
Like seriously. I don't get how the few in this thread can complain about tapping ONE button to get to their sync'd music.