So was reading this forum in safari. Got a text message and as soon as that notification showed, it resprings.
The need to fix these random resprings.
And these other issues...
Bluetooth reliability
Home button lag
Animation stutters
Random Ram management issues
Random graphical issues
Random music widget disappearance
Music widget bugs
My girlfriend
Battery life (starting to think my device battery is worn out. Been 6 months)
3D Touch issues
It’s a beta
And so on.
Sad part is, only us will be complaining. Most reviewers that didn’t test it during beta, and majority of society, our family, won’t notice these issues for a while, if at all. And by then the next OS will be out to fix some of them. And fix it, it will. We just got to trust Apple again. It’s their cycle of life. iOS 12 will reset us again with excitement and bugs. Can’t resist a new release for long can you?
And the upside to this release is that it will make things more useful. More productive on iPad. More ...well. We will see. For now though, the pros out way the cons to me. I’m not screaming to go back to iOS 10 like I was during iOS 11 beta 2. Perfection will come with time. It’s just how sad Apple tests our patience with each beta.
So I guess what I’m saying is, is iOS 11 more useful to you to keep? Or is it more useless not to? Decide. Go back. Come back after the the next point release.