I'm not really sure about that "will" or that "10%" as far as it applying to everyone or even most.
I agree, I think people just make numbers up to support their agenda. The truth is more likely far far less than 10%
Wifi uses 30mw when connected to a wifi source; about half what 4g/LTE uses with an extremely good signal (many times less if you have poor signal as it takes more power to keep that connection).
Wifi uses no measurable (minute amount of) power when NOT connected to a WiFi router, as it is only listening.
And WiFi is turned off by iOS 30 seconds after the phone goes to sleep unless the phone is connected to power, so your phone in your pocket with wifi left on but disconnected from a source uses essentially 0 battery.
Now if you need every drop of juice and wont be wifi for 2 days then turn it off; common sense stuff.
One would do much better dropping the screen brightness a few ticks and get more out of it than messing with wifi.
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