The spoofing is NOT a grasp to validate...... it's PROOF that you can't blindly accept those "free" wifi signals... Apple's "change" makes it easier to get duped into false security. It's more steps for people with a grasp on security, and a great wide open security issue for the rest that accept everything "free" is perfectly fine.
All i'm asking is Apple change the wifi button on CC to allow force touch and have 2 options. It would solve almost everything.
And no, I have "Ask to join networks" turned on, as do many that are complaining... THATS why we get the stupid popup.
and please, EXPLAIN this.
Actually thinking about it, this new feature will allow you to identify the “fake” network so it’s actually security feature rather than flaw! It would be asenine to assume you’re going to disable WiFi the first time xfinity pops up but then enter your login details the second time
LMAO. You only enter your password once with xfinity (per day) so every XFINITY SSID you come across IS AUTOMATICALLY JOINED after that.. how will you know if it's "legit"? If your phone SEES the SSID for Xfinity, LEGIT OR NOT, it will automatically connect. And I will bet you that 99% of the people will BLAME XFINITY for asking for credentials a 2nd time.... they will not even think about if it's legit or not. Blindly accept the 2nd login. OR did you even consider that possibility they have connected to a xfinity wifi IN THE PAST? come across a fake SSID 3 weeks later... and ask for the credentials then? "See, it's a legit xfinitywifi, it's asking for my login/password"
And as far as i know, xfinity is the only one asking for a login... the rest of the "free" networks just allow people on, some have MAC address timeouts or limit the time/data while connected.
attwifi for example has zero restrictions, allows (forces) any AT&T user to connect.. and has zero security/password/etc. EASILY spoofed, and if any non AT&T user connects once to one of them, say at a mcdonalds, they will always and forver be able to connect to any wifi network with the SSID "attwifi" Legit or not.
Same with any other wifi SSID thats "free" connect once, iOS saves it as "known", so ANY SSID with that name will be auto joined after that. you could be a block away from that "legit" network, and think you are still connected to it when you get on the fake one.
again, 99% of people will not even think twice about it. "Oh hey, I can still connect to XYZfreeWIFI from over here, YAY!"
*some* people will see it and question it, vast majority will not.
Read this, and then tell me how many people will do *ANY* of this.... it's just basic security, yet almost everyone ignores it.
The whole reason I brought up the spoofing, was just saying that Apple's change, makes it easier for others to get hacked. People with a mind for security, the change just makes more steps to stay secure. And annoying to have to deal with the extra steps that are not needed, nor the damn popup in our face until we do take those extra steps.