I think it's a fact that iOS now fails in many areas. The new notification center in iOS 11 is a perfect example of bad design. They have to tell you with an arrow and text what to do if you want to see your notifications. The new control center is a mess visually and lacks any hierarchy and it basically forces you to discover hidden menus and functions. Also the widget implementation is stupid as hell. What is the point of having widgets on it's dedicated page? I always thought that widgets are supposed to show information at a glance without me having to open an app. It would be much better to have at least some widgets on home screen for something like a calendar app. I would like to have my Widget Calendar.app on home screen right after I unlock my iPhone and see my events without constantly remember about my events in the upcoming weeks and swipe to the widget page and back. If they really wanted to have widgets in iOS they should've done it like Android.Now you're just making things up. Or trying to troll me.First of all, I've *never* heard or read anyone complain about iOS7+ being too colorful. I only heard (and felt) hate toward the awful pastel hue/palette (compounded by the equally poor choice of prioritizing white font over those bright pastel colors over black). Secondly, the majority of complaints I've heard (and whined about myself) is that ios7-ios11 is too homogenous and grey/white/light blue, and doesn't use color where it counts.
iOS 6 is pale when you look at it. It used pale version of colors for the UI. Why would I try to troll on something so stupid? Come on man. I am not trying to make things up, a simple Google Search can bring up many results that people hated iOS 7.
1. https://goo.gl/WrZm3d
2. https://goo.gl/bjKpLF
3. https://goo.gl/vtkUoR
4. https://goo.gl/VtA1gm
5. https://goo.gl/BJQ1vV
6. https://goo.gl/lGHai2
7. https://goo.gl/tMkZ3T
8. https://goo.gl/KGqhn
9. https://goo.gl/whL09
10. https://goo.gl/5oyXk6
And, how does that logic make sense in terms of the examples I posted above for: clock app, iMessages app, Settings app, weather, etc. that aren't really skeumorphic (even if much more interesting to look at) but are much more colorful, using color to smartly help define functional areas at times.
I never not even once said all of iOS 6 was skeuomorphic, I said the basic design was. iOS 7 is just as colorful when it comes to these apps. The only difference is that post iOS 6 uses lines and flat colors because 3D design was something that Apple used from 2004-2013. Microsoft also got rid of 3D design with Windows 8 (2012) because 3D was getting old. Most people now will say the newer design is better. Which means your in a minority, arguing with people who disagree with you that your opinion is better, when the vast majority disagree now.
The complaints are so much more skin deep than theme/appearance. The basic UIX architectural changes (i.e., all the changes for the sake of change and not real improvement) are significantly worse now, even with upcoming iOS11, than before 2013, such as the scroll/info wheels, the phone voicemail messages interface, the notes app w/o lines, the photos app that uses white as a background instead of black as it should be, and on and on and on.
This is all a matter of opinion and not absolute fact.
I don't agree that iOS 6 looked pale. Since iOS 7 it's way over-saturated and cartoonish. Remember when they toned down the messages and phone app icons in iOS 7.1? Steve Jobs said, "design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." I think that now it's more like how it looks than how it works. And it doesn't look great either I think. There are many objective things that are wrong in current Apple designs, you just shouldn't be apologist.
Also, have you seen the Windows Fluent System? They are basically going back to their old Aero design but in a Mac kinda way.