When they decided not to care about older devices it was an active choice on their part and they knew perfectly well the consequence of a slow device is a newer phone. Hence we say its planned. Also just because they changed their ways for iOS 12 doesn't mean it will stay that way forever. The jury is still out on whether they resume their old strategy once iOS 13 launches.More like, now they decided to dedicate resources to making it work better instead of partaking in a feature race wirh Google. This is why iOS 12 is feature-light.
As I already said, I don’t think it was planned obsolescence, more like not caring about obsolescence. Now they are forced to care. I am glad they changed their way, but I seriously doubt anyone put some slow-down code intentionally (other than that battery feature). As for smoke? There is smoke because that’s human perception for you. This “planned obsolescence” is easier to comprehend and accept than a more complex reason of design politics, limited resources (especially for a company like Apple where people wrongly assume these resources are near limitless), etc. Also, it is in human nature to be sceptical, and we’re also very cynical about technology.
The truth, however, is that they didn’t intentionally make older devices slower, they just didn’t care enough that they were getting slower as a side result. Now they have to care - yay!
So then a malicious conspiracy to specifically make things worse for customers wouldn't logically follow that as alienating customers isn't financially sound. Glad we got that logic finally sorted out.
There is a widespread belief amongst customers that devices slow down as they age (which is incorrect). This is reflected on pretty much any computing device and planned obsolescence plays into that belief which is why Apple gets away with it.