Is it stable as a daily driver?
Sorry...I don’t mean to pick on you and your question specifically but it may sound that way. I am only doing it for your own good. Really.
There are 652 posts in this thread ahead of your question that discuss - in great detail, I might add - how this beta is working on the various contributors’ devices. They discuss the negatives and the positives of the current release and that release only. Many go to a lot of effort to describe issues and others go to a lot of trouble to assist users experiencing issues. The bottom line Is that from these myriad posts, a
general theme may be discerned about the
general usability of this beta. A tapestry, if you will.
However, as there are infinite individual iOS device configurations out there (device, device age, apps installed, memory available, etc...), and who knows what else, everyone’s device performs differently on these betas. Some perform flawlessly. Some perform acceptably (and that is a user-determined threshold). Others perform miserably. And it’s impossible to know where any device will land on that spectrum until a beta is actually installed and running.
My point is: no one can truly answer your question, as we don’t know how your device will perform and what your tolerance is for bugginess.
Since that is the case, the best thing (and really the only thing) for you to do, is to read some significant portion of this thread. From that - and it certainly doesn’t need to be all 652 posts - you should be about to get a sense generally as to how this beta has been performing on a variety of devices. In doing this, you will see trends emerge as to the positives and negatives of this installation.
From that, you will be able to make an educated guess as to how this might perform on your device and whether this presents a risk profile you are willing to take on.
So, what I am saying is: if you are contemplating installing this beta on your device, invest the time to do a little research of your own, rather than asking a question no one can truly answer for you about
your device and
your willingness to accept potential problems.
Rant over!