Hey, can you answer a simple question for me I forget how this works. I never have my location services enable and last time a year ago I had find my phone disabled because I though it gave out my location or tracked me.
Now if I have location services off for entire phone but have find my phone on and all the setting checked off to find my phone, when I go to iCloud and press lost phone the location services get activated via gps and WiFi and LTE and I’m able to to locate the most phone using map location correct? Or will that feature not work because I have location services turned off all the time and it needs to be on?
I’m confused I refuse to be tracked my apps and people daily etc etc but when I loose my phone I want to be able to find on the google map through i cloud? And I get co friction report, some say you need to have location services on other say no, you just need to enable find my phone feature and when you press lost phone it will activate location services during that time only?
Please let me know you guys would know best