Performance wise seems fine. Apparently the "stutter" issues being reported seem to be with the iP12 series. I do believe the battery may have taken a hit. While not drastic, it does seem to be less than previous versions (including 14.3). Went direct from 14.3 OTA with no resets or restores. Otherwise seems to be ok.
Yeah I saw that but there has to be something running to use battery. If not the display then there is some process using battery. I know I have seen iCloud or mail causing drain randomly or even something weird with "Siri" showing as using tons of battery before even though hadn't used Siri that day. Point being something in the background must be doing something to cause that much drain while idle. Perhaps closing all apps and rebooting will stop whatever it is. Or signing out of iCloud and back in. iOS seems to be getting more weird lately with different extreme issues for some and no issues for others.