This exactly. We see these issues because, as beta users on a tech forum, we're
conditioned to seeing them, and from our perspective they're major, OS-breaking issues (well, maybe not, but you wouldn't know it from reading these threads sometimes).
Your average user probably never opens the Settings app unless their iPhone
tells them to for some reason, doesn't notice stutters or issues with multitasking, doesn't care if a screen tap is 1/10 of a second slower to respond than the last release — etc, etc. What they
do care about is whether the apps they use on a regular basis still run after an update, that they can still make calls, send messages, take photos and videos, and so on.
Those things — and the under-the-hood security fixes you'd never know about if they didn't
post them after the final release — are what Apple spends most of its time on, because when you have finite resources and a self-imposed annual major release schedule, those are all you have
time to work on before you move on to the next shiny thing.