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macrumors 65816
Sep 15, 2013
New beta today! Interested to hear the “little things” related to the new stuff, especially iPhone mirroring and FaceTime screen share and control. The stuff with FaceTime will be great for helping my parents when they update in the fall!


macrumors 65816
Apr 20, 2016
Few new things in Translate App (not had this in Beta1 for sure)


macrumors G3
Apr 10, 2008
I will never understand people's obsession with the weather.
lol seriously.... I go days and maybe even weeks without looking at my weather app... my weather checking consists of looking out the window before I leave my house to see if it's raining or not....


macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
I like being able to add shortcuts to the control centre.

Finally, I can have a button which toggles Bluetooth and another for wifi. I don't want to "disconnect until later", I want it off or on.

(It took me a while to realise that the "set bluetooth/wifi/airplane mode" actions can toggle. You have to click on the word "turn" and it changes to "toggle".)


macrumors G5
Jun 21, 2013
Same here!
Haven’t lived in the Midwest in 25 years, but I have to confess, I would too. Saw a funnel cloud here in Connecticut at dinner on Sunday night. Figured it was scud because tornadoes are pretty rare in New England. Found out yesterday morning via Twitter that I should have trusted my initial instincts! The NWS will rescind my Spotter status!


macrumors 68040
Jul 21, 2009
Haven’t lived in the Midwest in 25 years, but I have to confess, I would too. Saw a funnel cloud here in Connecticut at dinner on Sunday night. Figured it was scud because tornadoes are pretty rare in New England. Found out yesterday morning via Twitter that I should have trusted my initial instincts! The NWS will rescind my Spotter status!

There’s nothing more exhilarating in this world than seeing a tornado up close. I was in the path of a supposed F5 once in the upper Midwest, I’ll never forget the sound it made, even though it was far away you could hear it. The one tornado I’ve seen up close was here in Los Angeles, where we get baby Ef 0’s from time to time. It had just rained heavily and as it went by it sucked the water right off the street into a vapor, made a loud roar and I could see a little funnel spinning as it passed over my neighbors house. Can’t even imagine what it’s like to be close to a big Midwest tornado.

In 2019 I saw a funnel cloud that I don’t think touched ground about a half mile away from me, but even that gave us some high winds that rapidly changed direction 180 degrees, I got video of that one. Never heard anything about it on the news and I still wonder if I’m the only person to have witnessed it.

So yes I’m obsessed with weather, probably because we get so little interesting stuff out here, always looking for good weather apps, they all seem to be missing something which is why I have so many.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 30, 2010
lol seriously.... I go days and maybe even weeks without looking at my weather app... my weather checking consists of looking out the window before I leave my house to see if it's raining or not....
When i wanna go on a run after work, it's relevant whether or not there's gonna be rain at 5 or 6pm. If it's gonna be raining at 5, i make sure to leave earlier, so i can squeeze in a run before.
Or "is it still gonna be 27°C outside when i'd leave work, so i can do some extra work in the office, because i'd rather wait for the cooler evening hours.

Same thing with taking the bike home from work. It's mostly about "do i need to adapt my schedule because it's gonna be raining?"
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macrumors G5
Jun 21, 2013
When attaching a photo, for example to a forum post here on MacRumors, a scrollable and searchable view of your photo library is available.
Long overdue. Forcing you to scroll all the way through tens of thousands of photos in your photo library to find the desired photo, which was added to the library years ago, is unworkable. There have been times I’ve had to exit the picker
, open the Photos app itself to find and resave an old image just so it would be surfaced at the top of the list. Now it looks like we will have all the same search tools we have within the Photos app itself.
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Sep 13, 2014
I will never understand people's obsession with the weather.

Bay Area weather can be very unpredictable. San Francisco might one day be a chilly overcast 60 degrees and the next day it might be a sunny 80 degrees. So it's nice to know what you should wear for any given day lol. Also rain can be kind of sporadic here. One day it's completely clear, the next day it's pouring. I like to avoid any long trips when it's raining because many people in California have no idea how to drive in the rain.

In the UK I never checked the weather because it's very predictable. It's grey most of the time and during the summer it's "hot"


macrumors 603
May 1, 2013
Is there an option on settings>phone to show or not the contact picture in recent calls list? Like in settings>messages? Also in recent calls list can u still see the icon (arrow) for incoming and outgoing calls?
There is an arrow icon for outgoing calls but no way to turn off contact pictures as of yet.
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