I’m not seemingly having any issues of any consequence on an iPhone 13. Battery seems as good as pre update which has been very good. My KB was laggy at times previously but have not noticed it after the update yet at all so hoping that is fixed. The auto brightness bug has been going on for me since first iOS beta 18. but if I reset it to where I want it stays put for usually many days so not a big deal at all. Maybe they will fix it someday. Overall the OS is quite smooth. I have one complaint tho and this since beta 1, placing widgets and icons don’t always stay where I want them to. It can be a real pita to place them. Apple for whatever reason, don’t know if it’s them or devs but they can’t do widgets at all. I mean come on, Android runs all over Apple in the widget dept and has for years. How about a scrollable widget? Like calendar for instance. Also trying to place one in a certain spot can be frustrating to say the least.Everything on screen jumps all over the place. And the blank space at the bottom just above the tray why can’t anything be put there?
Anyway considering it’s my way or the highway apple I’m surprised they finally gave us at least a little more control. Someday maybe I’ll get my scrolling calendar widget.