I'm still hopeful that it's just a case of Metal being optimised for us on an OS, although developers have managed to put together some incredible gaming titles using Metal so surely if anyone can harness the power of Metal it should be the people who created it.
The reason for older devices running fine is probably down to Open GL being used as opposed to Metal. Time will tell, but I'd still say that come maturity iOS 9 will be fine on most if not all newer devices ... the issue I have with that is that Apple shouldn't have released it if it wasn't ready, but this is what iOS is now. They spend a year getting the current build to its best then release a new .0 build and we go again.
The reason for older devices running fine is probably down to Open GL being used as opposed to Metal. Time will tell, but I'd still say that come maturity iOS 9 will be fine on most if not all newer devices ... the issue I have with that is that Apple shouldn't have released it if it wasn't ready, but this is what iOS is now. They spend a year getting the current build to its best then release a new .0 build and we go again.