On the privacy -> logs there are only 1/10 of all the UNIX logs...I've already checked there, anyway I've found an interesting thing this time:
An Excresource_com.apple.MobileSoftwareUpdate.UpdateBrainService that was updated just before the iOS 9.3 release and it points to a process called com.apple.xpcproxy.RoleAccount.staging that is the process relat to the anti-malaware check of iOS. That is the ways Apple communicates with the link...I absolutely don't know if could be related to the linksgate
PS: on my iPhone I haven't the linksgate bug (on my ipad yes) and I have a lot more logs related to Excresources. I have also another one called ExcResources_com.apple.Webkit.Webcontent..etc..
who calls for an update of the WebKit engine on 24 March that I haven't on my iPad...weird... This could be also supposed that a new black list of the malawares was pushed to the devices but not to all the devices (like my iPad Mini) and for that we can't open external links anymore?
Buh, just suppositions...
There was an app to see all the logs from console, like OS X, very useful, but since the update 9.3 stopped working