You can install a widget that gives you a shortcut to update Facebook or Twitter or whatnot.OMG YES !!!! Pulling down the screen to just post to fb w/o having to open the app was just awesome! If i'm busy running from a burning building and I have to tell the world about it I don't want to have to open the app and have to post. then if I want to take a picture the app crashes when I take a picture within the app.
Please get that feature back again!
Aaawww, you'RE buying all us 4s owners a new phone? THANKS PAL!! YOU'RE THE BESTEST!!
Never understood why that wasn't possible. Drives me nuts. I have to keep DND off when my son is sleeping over a friend's house and then I always seem to get app notifictioans or wrong texts or an ISS flyover text at 2 am to wake me up! lol.
As for DND, you need to keep it off for phone calls or something else?