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As much as I'd like nice shiny features, I really hope performance is the focus!
Hmmm, kind of like a Dashboard for iOS.

I like it, but I think it would be seen as too much overlap with NC.
There are a few features I want to see specifically for the iPhone 6+:
  • Multi-finger app switching gestures like we currently have on the iPad and Mac.
  • The ability to toggle sidebars in apps like Safari and Mail with a swipe.
  • The option to display the Today screen and Notifications simultaneously (e.g. splitscreen) in landscape mode.
  • The option to "split" the keyboard in landscape mode, putting half the keyboard on each side and placing the extra options in the center.
  • Landscape mode for podcast app.
  • Redesign the phone app for the larger display. (It's comical how much empty space is between the number pad and screen edge on the dial tab.)

And more generally:
  • Make the editing cabablities of Photos more in line with its new desktop counterpart (e.g. options to adjust white balance directly, as well as tweak levels)
  • The option to prevent certain keyboards from quick toggling. (I'd personally like mine to consistently jump between English and Japanese when I tap, rather than to the lesser used Emoji keyboard)
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I would really love to have a way to ask Siri of when you sent your last either small or iMessage and if it was a text vid or photo. And I wish that like people were saying to take up less space for installing iOS 9.
I would really love to have a way to ask Siri of when you sent your last either small or iMessage and if it was a text vid or photo. And I wish that like people were saying to take up less space for installing iOS 9.

great point with siri! Reminded me of my siri request. I would like siri to be localized and work in some commands without wifi. This used to be a feature in Voice Command (I know that the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G had this feature).

However, siri now requires a connection and, somehow if a couple of commands (like siri play Paradise City by Guns and Roses), it would play the song without having a connection to wifi or 4G!:cool:

Some tasks like posting on twitter still need access but, tasks like play this song do not.
1. Display zoom for iPad like on iPhone 6. Defaults to 'spacier' view on iPad with smaller fonts, more spacing between icons, etc.


The iPad doesn't need to be as 'zoomed in' as it is.

2. Glances for iOS in Notification Center (reworking of Widgets? replacing Widgets?)

3. One pane on Notification Center (merging Today and Notifications)

4. App-specific Rotation lock

5. Granular controls for Do Not Disturb scheduling (weekend options, location-based options)

6. Dark theme like Yosemite - darkens dock, makes menus/toolbars darker, including API for developers to take advantage in apps

7. Finder app with access to all iCloud Drive files, integrating share sheets/open in functionality

8. Power Save mode like Apple Watch, auto-enable option for below 20% battery, toggle in Control Center

9. Reading List section in Safari overhauled, integrating Safari Reader, better offline access

10. San Francisco from Apple Watch as the system-wide font

11. Option to disable Snap to Grid on Home Screen, place icons anywhere

12. Exposé-like multitasking, with Close All Apps option (some purists like to close apps after using them, and this won't change)

And of course stability, speed and other optimisations for battery. is so much better. Queue, crossfade, beautiful design, etc.

No way José, Spotify is ridiculously verbose and painful to use. Try the following:

1) How many minutes long is an album in your music library? Usually you can select the album and swipe right on it to see more details like release date and stuff, right? Not in your music library, no. You have to select a song from the album, tap the … button and then go to view album to bring you to another page of THE SAME ALBUM before you can swipe right to see the details. And the worse part is is that this is needs to be loaded online and uses data

2) Try deleting a song from your queue. Did you just accidentally add it to your music? Swiping left on a list time usually reveals the delete button but no, because swipe left to save to your music uses the exact same gesture it takes priority and takes you by surprise

3) Want to go back a page by swiping from the edge of the screen? Too bad, swiping left on a song queues it. So now you get the same damn problem with 2) trying to delete the song you just accidentally queued

4) Whenever I tap the … button on a song to bring up the list (and deal with problem 1) WHY DOES IT START HALFWAY DOWN THE PAGE? There's like a good couple of inches of free space sitting above the thing! And for those who argue its for 'reachability' the first options that were actually honoured enough to be displayed on the ****ing screen and not shoved 3 inches below your phone aren't even the commonly used ones. The save and queue buttons are pointless since you can already do those with the atrocity of those swipe right and left gestures as seen in 2) and 3). Of course go to artist and album have to be shoved down to the very bottom because it's so important that you're able to create a radio without having to stretch your thumb up the screen, so you can have a playlist of barely even related songs hand curated by the world's most random DJ who couldn't tell the ****ing difference between Death Grips and Miles Davis if Miles Davis walked up and shoved his trumpet up their ****ing ass (Not that genius is any better, at least spotify has enough 'related songs' to even create a playlist). It's insulting how it makes me scroll like 300 pixels just to uncover the remaining 3 options. Hell you can ****ing fit the entire list on an iPhone 5 screen so why does it even need to be scrollable? It's wasting calories making me drag my finger for no apparent reason

It's just too complicated in my opinion, honestly I just prefer the simplicity of 5 tabs and a now playing button as seen in the stock app
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iOS 9 Wishlist

I would really like to have more apps available apps to share with but at the moment that's about it besides, bringing back the option for tweeting and being able to post to Facebook :):apple:
Would love to see app usage on a 'last used on this date' basis. Could clean so many of my apps out with this. Would be a great help when deciding what to delete.
the OPTION to "hey siri" without being plugged in. Give me a warning box about battery life if need be, but I REALLY want to be able to just pull out my iphone and "hey siri".

You would pull out a dead battery. There is no way to stop the battery drain from Siri constantly listening to every word and sound for it to hear "hey Siri".


In contacts, the ability to create groups and add to them.

How about emailing groups? Why can't we type in the group name and have all of the group emails populate automatically... Hoollow, like that's 95 technology.:eek:
My only wish would be the ability to theme the stock system:
* change font and font color
* remove/replace the dock graphic
* custom icon positions on the home screen
* scrolling icons in the dock
My wish list for iOS 9

These are my wishes for iOS 9 -

1) Bug fixes - obviously my first wish along with everyone else is bug fixes, although I am not experiencing too many bugs but one bug is sometimes apps aren't downloading from the app store, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not.

2) iCloud app - I love cloud services, I used to be a Android user and used Google Drive on that platform, coming to iOS (and OS X) it is only logical for me to move to iCloud but why is there no darn iCloud App!

3) Transfer calls from iOS to OS X - At the moment using continuity you're able to answer calls on OS X that come in on your iPhone (aswell as make calls on OS X to route through your iPhone), you can then continue that call on your iPhone at any time, but you cannot answer a call on your iPhone and continue it on your Mac.

4) Clear app data/caches - this is a option that I miss from Android, although you don't use it on a daily bases it does come in useful.

5) App data backup to iCloud - have apps backup their data to iCloud automatically so if you ever need to redownload it you are able to pick up where you left off.

6) Sync app data across all devices - to further #5 I'd like my app data to sync across all devices.

7) Preferred WiFi Networks - in my house we have multiple networks, the main network, my brother has a network and I have a network, I'd like my phone to automatically connect to my network instead of the main network.

8) Cellular network settings - Allow me to set the proxy and dns settings for cellular networks

9) The ability to remove stock apps - I'm never going to use iBooks! Being able to remove and reinstall stock apps (if needed)

10) Power saving mode - I've had 2 iPhone 6's, my first which had amazing battery was replaced under apple care (cracked screen), this "new" one the battery isn't great on it. It has been unplugged for 13hrs 55minutes and has 40% battery left.

11) Side-by-side multitasking for iPad - I don't own a iPad yet but I am hoping to do so by the end of the year and side-by-side multitasking would be great to have.

12) Speech/voice training for Siri - I have a speech impairment so being able to provide Siri with training would help out a lot.

13) Close all apps - I understand this may not be necessary but it just looks nice.

12) DARK MODE - Please!!!!!! I love the dark keyboard when it shows, I use dark mode in Yosemite, I'd love to be able to make my whole phone dark.
Bug fixes - This has improved but Handoff, AirDrop etc can sometimes be a bit funky.

iCloud Drive - Since updating to Photos I am now paying for the 200GB plan. As a result I have ditched Google Drive and moved everything over to make full use of my extra space. What I do miss is an app where I can view all the stuff in my iCloud Drive. To view Pages documents it is just limited to the Pages folder which is just limited to 1 folder deep. Fine if you only have a few documents but gets unmanageable quite quickly.

Notification Center - Despite taking the time to clean it out, Notification Center is still not brilliant. I end up not using it because it just seems a mess all the time.

Home Screen - If you have a lot of apps the home screen isn't great. I would like an app launcher like Android which sorts apps alphabetically, or a universal way of getting to Spotlight, rather than having to go to the home screen and then swipe down.

Control Center - Would be nice to be able to long press on bluetooth and Wi-Fi icons to go directly to the Settings.

I personally have no issue with the iOS Music app, although I do believe it is getting an update in 8.4 to include stuff like up next and a UI redesign. The only thing I do find pointless is the landscape album view.

Maps - Custom routes in Maps. Would love to be able to open a GPX file or plot a route a drag an drop a custom route on OS X (like Google Maps) and hand it off to iPhone (Google Maps cannot hand off). When the Watch comes out then I will be able to use it cycling so the Watch gives me feedback when to turn rather than stopping to check directions or having to mount my 6 Plus on the handlebars! (There is probably an app for this but I have only found apps like Strava which only seem to track your ride).
Advanced options of Background App Refresh per app. Maybe a global switch to toggle between the more foolproof single-option mode and this new advanced mode with fine-grained control.

For each app:
Pushed Refresh - Opportunistic*, Always, Off
Periodic Refresh - Opportunistic, Every 30 minutes, Every Hour, Every Two Hours, Off

* Opportunistic is just the current BAR which is driven by a blackbox use pattern analyser, and the data-, signal- and power-aware silent push.
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For the love of God, give us multi-apps on one screen for the iPad. I'd like multi-user accounts too, but that'll cut into Apple's profits.
You would pull out a dead battery. There is no way to stop the battery drain from Siri constantly listening to every word and sound for it to hear "hey Siri".


How about emailing groups? Why can't we type in the group name and have all of the group emails populate automatically... Hoollow, like that's 95 technology.:eek:

It's amazing that other phone companies can make it to where their digital assistant, whether it be Cortana or Google Now, can do it but Apple apparently can't.
It's amazing that other phone companies can make it to where their digital assistant, whether it be Cortana or Google Now, can do it but Apple apparently can't.

It's called having specific dedicated hardware for it. iOS won't have that much to do with it.
It's called having specific dedicated hardware for it. iOS won't have that much to do with it.

I agree. If only the more recent iPhones had a low powered processor that could be used all the time. Some day ...
My wishlist:

1) Better performance, especially on older devices such as iPhone 4S (if compatible) and iPhone 5. I know it's very difficult, but it would be nice.

2) Possibility to delete app cache without losing everything.

3) An official file manager (utopia?).

4) Power saving mode.

5) A 3G/LTE switcher in the control center (turning the 3G off is always a pain since you have to go into settings < cellular data < 2G).

6) Something new in the user interface, such as better icons on some apps and better graphics elements across the system.

7) Widgets in the home screen (so you can check things just by turning your display on).
I want the ability to disable stock apps and to change default apps and to get rid of the 100MB restriction.

Is that so hard to ask? And no, I don't like Android. I have to use it for a work phone and it just sits in my desk
Seems like more of a suggestion for
I can't wait for the day until the awful 100MB is gone!, or at least an option to disable it.
I believe mobile carriers themselves have something to do with that (as well).
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