1. I want to be able to choose a folder when I download apps.
2. Id love it if I had the option to sync my iPhone in iOS 9 and iPad desktops and layouts.
3. I would love to click or swipe one time and all open apps close. Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe is ridiculous.
4. Maybe you can allow nested folders in the dock? I mean, why not? iOS 6 and 7 gave us nested folders, so why not in the dock in iOS 9?
5. Please let me remove the apps you include if I so desire. We all move them to an empty page or put them in a folder entitled crap. Stop the madness. I dont want iOS 8 apps I dont want.
6. It would be fantastic to be able to access the phone app when on a call as I can when not in a call. Id like to be able to see who called me while I was on the phone and edit my favorites when the person Im talking to is complaining about their bad service at Sizzler the night before.
7. I asked for unread mail, you delivered. Now, can I please have the option to create an appointment or meeting with a contact from the contacts screen? Or from an email. When someone emails me hey, can we setup a call tomorrow at 9am? Id like to simply touch the screen and create the appointment with the email sender.
8. I sure would like to rename a few of my icons. This would be so liberating.
9. Deleting calendar entries are rough, too many clicks. Please allow me to touch, hold and voila, an option menu appears. Move, edit, delete, click!
You made this better in iOS 8. Thank you.
10. Lets stop being so black and white here. Sometimes my appointments are tentative. Give me this option and Ill try to be more definitive in 2015.
You gave us travel time in iOS 8. Cool feature. But we often add an appointment so we dont forget as we wait for confirmation from our guest.
11. Multiple logins for iDevices. My son is constantly downloading games when I forget to turn restrictions back on after borrowing his iPad.
12. I would love to see a native Photos app on my Mac that automatically syncs my photos from my iPhone/iPad. I no longer wish to rely on iPhoto for this purpose nor do I wish to use Image Editor to download my photos.