Wait list for iPad 3G 16GB at Sschaumburg / Woodfield / Chicago area
Got on the Notify Me waitlist for iPad 3G 16GB version at Schaumburg (Woodfield Mall, Chicago area) location on 8th May.
Finally got my email for pick up today (5/24) i.e. 16 days later.
I already bought my iPad from a university (Illinois State University, Bloomington, IL) computer center last week. Surprisingly, they had several in stock and few takers. Apparently, Apple has been sending the 16 GB models to universities and higher-end (64 GB) to Best Buy.
A few pointers for those waiting for their iPad -
1. Try / call local university computer centers to see if/when they get their iPads.
2. Check-out Best Buys Apple stores availability online (example, the following will tell you availability for IL 60108 iPad-3G 16GB)
3. Call/visit your local Best Buy & ask them when they get their shipments. Ours got Apple shipments that were ready for pickup Tues & Thurs 10am. Varies by location. We called 6-8 locations and they all had the 3Gs for at least a few hours after the shipment arrived. The online search also showed some of them.
4. If desperate, it might be easier to get in smaller cities (as opposed to metros). We found 3G - 64GB at several locations in our long-distance drive.
AT&T data plan was very easy to set-up. Fast speed in areas with 3G coverage. At&T - E is fairly slow. Have had decent coverage all through except for a few minutes from time to time. We have so far driven from Chicago to Oklahoma and enjoying the purchase (GPS, Map, Web browsing, hotel/gas/food searches, E-mail, book reader and other cool apps).