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Well lucky you! $50 is like nothing comparing to some other iPad problems. They wanted me to pay $700 for the infamous unresponsive screen problem repair on iPad Pro.
dumping this 10.5 for a trade in on an 11. I’ve never been more unhappy with an Apple product. I’m going to see if I can get any sort of compensation aside from the trade in value, but I doubt it is going to happen.

Well after speaking with Apple, they wanted to charge me $50.00 for this white spot repair. What a joke. I have never been more unhappy with a device.

The 10.5 should be recalled immediately. DO NOT BUY.

Pay the $50 and sell it yourself. Apple's trade in policy is robbery! Once you receive the replacement leave it in the box. You will make more money when you sell it since it's basically brand new. The sale price minus the fees from repair and selling will still be more than what Apple has to offer.
Pay the $50 and sell it yourself. Apple's trade in policy is robbery! Once you receive the replacement leave it in the box. You will make more money when you sell it since it's basically brand new. The sale price minus the fees from repair and selling will still be more than what Apple has to offer.
I was able to get more people on the phone this morning and they are giving me a new 10.5 (refurb).

The first thing I am going to do is sell it. I have not been happy with this device since getting it due to the white spots. The new one might not have it, but how long before it develops it?
I was able to get more people on the phone this morning and they are giving me a new 10.5 (refurb).

The first thing I am going to do is sell it. I have not been happy with this device since getting it due to the white spots. The new one might not have it, but how long before it develops it?

A hit or miss proposition, unfortunately. I've had my 10.5 for 2.5 years and no white spots.
A hit or miss proposition, unfortunately. I've had my 10.5 for 2.5 years and no white spots.
Just don't want to risk it when I can extract the most money out of it now, rather then waiting another for another release. The longer I wait the lower my trade in value and/or lower it sells for on the secondary market.
A hit or miss proposition, unfortunately. I've had my 10.5 for 2.5 years and no white spots.
Yeah it's a lottery, despite those claiming it's just a tiny minority of cases while nobody has any statistics. Personally I wouldn't recommend the air 3 or pro 10.5 to anyone due to the risk... (with the air 3 developing the issue later since it's a more recent device...). What a shame, these are otherwise amazing ipads... with even some advantages over the pro 11, such a keyboard that is actually lappable and can fold backwards...
I cannot see anything wrong with some of your sample images, guys. I want to check my mature iPad Air 2, out of curiosity, so could someone give me the steps to replicate it/see it better? Thank you!
No reports of it that I’m aware of, the possible issue with the Mini 5 seems to be a charging delay.

The Air white spots do seem to be smaller than the Pro ones, unless they get larger over time. Some Air bright spots you can barely see on the pictures, where some Pros look as though they have dirty screens.
I had the white spot on my 10.5 Pro, Apple replaced it under Apple Care. It’s been a year on the new iPad and it has not developed the white spot so far. One other issue I have with my 10.5 is Safari freezing and not letting me scroll sometimes. I have to go back to home screen and restart Safari. I’m not sure if it’s Safari or hardware related.

My Mini 5 does have the charging delay but it’s usually only about a 10-15 seconds delay. No other issues.
I have a June 2018 iPad 6, 9.7-inch purchased from At&t. Out of the box I noticed a deep scratch on the screen. Box was dented inside, on the side, too. Because it was a gift for my bday, and I didn't get to open the gift until 20 days post-purchase, Apple and At&t refused to replace the iPad.
Also, I have the white spot issue near the home button. It didn't appear until the latest software update 13.6.1, which darkened the screen's overall brightness (another defective update).
I doubt Apple will do anything to help. They do not stand behind defects, their defects. Apple's customer care has been non-existent since Jobs passed away, RIP.
I remember taking my boss's new 2011 iPad to the Genius Bar, told them my boss's son dropped it on their marble tiles, smashed the screen, & it was replaced on the spot, no qualms or questions. Those were the good old days.
I have this issue on my ipad air 3 too. Just had it replaced under applecare+.
I have this issue on my ipad air 3 too. Just had it replaced under applecare+.
How long it took to develop this issue?
I'm trying to figure out if Air 3's manufactured today still are prone to develop this issue?
My ipad air was purchased on launch date. It developed the white spot after around 12 months.
My ipad air was purchased on launch date. It developed the white spot after around 12 months.
Thanks for reporting that. I'm putting my hopes on that they have made some improvement since. Perhaps early Air 3's had the same panel as Pro 10.5"? Anyone seen this happening in device purchased in 2020?
Thanks for reporting that. I'm putting my hopes on that they have made some improvement since. Perhaps early Air 3's had the same panel as Pro 10.5"? Anyone seen this happening in device purchased in 2020?

You may have to wait until the end of the year at least for a good answer to that question, given the suggestion it takes 12 months to develop.

No issues with any of my iPads though. All working perfectly and flawlessly forever.
You may have to wait until the end of the year at least for a good answer to that question, given the suggestion it takes 12 months to develop.

No issues with any of my iPads though. All working perfectly and flawlessly forever.
Yeah, I guess it is too early to say if it is common or rare in 2020 build models.

Which 10.5” iPad models you have?
Mine was of the early ones which developed a white spot. Replacement still fine 🤗
Mine was of the early ones which developed a white spot. Replacement still fine 🤗
About how long you have had replacement?

I'm wondering whether displays in later production had some changes or updates that maybe fixed the issue from happening again? I think I saw some service program mentioned for early version regarding display but it did not sound like the bright spot issue but some other display or touch related, so maybe there was some changes??
I think it was about June. So too new to tell if the white spot is really gone.
I started getting the dreaded white spot after about 6 months of use on my iPad Air 3. I had Applecare+ so I got a replacement iPad. And two days after getting the replacement iPad, I can see a hint of a white spot starting to emerge at the exact same place as my original iPad.😔
I started getting the dreaded white spot after about 6 months of use on my iPad Air 3. I had Applecare+ so I got a replacement iPad. And two days after getting the replacement iPad, I can see a hint of a white spot starting to emerge at the exact same place as my original iPad.😔

Does it bother you in everyday use? Often, if something is pointed out that otherwise wouldn't be noticed (like with this thread), you'de never look for it or see it.
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Does ot bother you in everyday use? Often, if something is pointed out that otherwise wouldn't be noticed (like with this thread), you're never look for it or see it.
It does, yes. I use Goodnotes regularly and if you’re working on a white screen, it’s really easy to see
I started getting the dreaded white spot after about 6 months of use on my iPad Air 3. I had Applecare+ so I got a replacement iPad. And two days after getting the replacement iPad, I can see a hint of a white spot starting to emerge at the exact same place as my original iPad.😔
When you bought your original Air 3? Did you check manufacturing dates of the units? It would be interesting to hear if Air 3's produced after the date mentioned in Apple service program for Air 3's are different in this regard?
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