The new Crack
I was almost blown away when I saw the iPad debut. THEN, I came to my senses. Why in the name of everything decent and honest would apple choose not to include a USB port of this device? How about Greed. You see if they included a USB port, one could use their existing data card and services to get internet access. In the book of Jobs, its necessary to dig deep into our pockets, hence, you will have to pay for what you already have again. This is deliberate my thinking friends. Oh sure, they'll come out with another model that includes the port, however, it will be hardware rev number three.
Let me count: I purchased 3 macBook Pros, Two MacPros, Three iPhones, and now I have to tithe to Steve in iPad fashion. I DON'T THINK SO.
This omission was enough for me to realize to pass on this glitter. If Steve had answered yes to tethering, I would have gone for it.
What a good shepherd Jobs is.......he looks out for his sheep in a ??????? way.