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OK, if everyone on this thread who has posted, gives me £10 each, ill go to the US, buy as many as i can, then raffle all of them off to the people who agve me £10, so its gambling,

You give me £10 499 other people do, i get £5000, i buy 8 or 9 iPads, i come back, name in the hat, i send them out. simples :)

And i will actually do this

Customs might not question one coming back, but 8-9 I think they might have something to say about!
Customs might not question one coming back, but 8-9 I think they might have something to say about!

I have family, and friends, or i could post them back and just pay the customs fee, out of the money, so we only have about 7 or 8 to raffle off.
Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.

Whatever you're going through, whether it's big or small, don't bottle it up. We are here for you if you're worried about something, feel upset or confused, or just want to talk to someone.

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Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.

Whatever you're going through, whether it's big or small, don't bottle it up. We are here for you if you're worried about something, feel upset or confused, or just want to talk to someone.

08457 909090

Can they get iPads? :)
Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.

Whatever you're going through, whether it's big or small, don't bottle it up. We are here for you if you're worried about something, feel upset or confused, or just want to talk to someone.

08457 909090

Unless the Samaritans sell iPads, I don't think they can help! :eek:
Meanwhile, as nwlondonlad says, a good proportion of the unprecedented demand might well be down to a high number of ebayers sucking up the stock. The longer the international launch is delayed, the more this will happen.


Wait till the 3g version comes out in the US. That's when the ebay sellers will really go to town.

I bought my first iphone (2G) in the US then i bought my iphone 3gs in Belgium. I think its time i finally walked into an apple store in London and bought something.

Just sucks that we get things last then stuck with the most expensive prices. :(
As Apple have stated, if there is unprecedented and unpredicted demand now, do you think this level of iPad consumption is actually able to be continued?

Maybe people are buying now due to the hysteria, who would normally wait until later. This will mean that later on there is not as much consumption as predicted in the market, and therefore oversupply in the channels.

Therefore, does anyone have a prediction when the first price drops will be seen? I put money on early September/October i.e. just before OS4 comes out as all the channels will be completely stuffed and Apple will be trying to reduce overstocking during the holiday season. Anybody else got any forecasts?
As Apple have stated, if there is unprecedented and unpredicted demand now, do you think this level of iPad consumption is actually able to be continued?

Maybe people are buying now due to the hysteria, who would normally wait until later. This will mean that later on there is not as much consumption as predicted in the market, and therefore oversupply in the channels.

Therefore, does anyone have a prediction when the first price drops will be seen? I put money on early September/October i.e. just before OS4 comes out as all the channels will be completely stuffed and Apple will be trying to reduce overstocking during the holiday season. Anybody else got any forecasts?

Looks like rain
I was thinking the exact same thing.

Here's food for thought. Apple have just demonstrated that the US market is by far their first priority. (Understandably and all that, but still).

So if the 'unprecendented demand' continues through May and they can't fulfill US sales, then what? Another month's delay? Then what?

Meanwhile, as nwlondonlad says, a good proportion of the unprecedented demand might well be down to a high number of ebayers sucking up the stock. The longer the international launch is delayed, the more this will happen.


It's happened before.

The iPod mini was announced in January 2004 and went on sale in the USA at the end of February. The worldwide launch was originally supposed to be in April but was eventually pushed back to July because of "much stronger than expected demand in the U.S".

Sound familiar?
OK, if everyone on this thread who has posted, gives me £10 each, ill go to the US, buy as many as i can, then raffle all of them off to the people who agve me £10, so its gambling,

You give me £10 499 other people do, i get £5000, i buy 8 or 9 iPads, i come back, name in the hat, i send them out. simples :)

And i will actually do this

Ok Del Boy :p

Tell you what how about anyone who has an iPad send it to me, and for everyone that sends me one I'll enter their name into a hat and raffle off a €10 note to the winner.

That sounds much fairer to me :D
Well i've given in to the ebay route as i can't be bothered to keep checking when theyre gonna be on sale!

Looks like including uk VAT it'll cost me £576 for a 32GB to be delivered to me which isn't too much of a kick in the nuts for getting to use it for almost 2 months sooner!
Ok Del Boy :p

Tell you what how about anyone who has an iPad send it to me, and for everyone that sends me one I'll enter their name into a hat and raffle off a €10 note to the winner.

That sounds much fairer to me :D

MMM ill do that, what would you like, 3 x 64GB models, should give me a good chance of getting that tenner.
Which is coincidentally 3 weeks to the release date, just like the US launch.

I think your going to be safe with this one. It was the fact that none of us had heard of a pre-order date in the first week of April which led me to forsee the 'unforseen apple delay' ;)
Look at the bright side... At least we have a pre-order date now.

Yup. And if what is being said is to be believed (lol) then mobile phone operators are thinking about offering those with long term iphone contracts a data deal for their ipad for an additional monthly fee. If it were to be a tenner or even a fiver (nice idea but I fear it won't be that low) a month I might go for a 3g afterall.

This way I get to keep my money till all the deals are on the table -- wifi, and 3g. So then I can pick the deal that exactly suits me.
That's what I am telling myself now anyway. Between the sniffling and gnashing of teeth. ;)
It better not be, i cant afford it to be.

And happy birthday ct2k7

Thanks :) I don't want to burst my wallet, ok, I already have over £900k in the bank, but I make sure every penny matters.

Yup. And if what is being said is to be believed (lol) then mobile phone operators are thinking about offering those with long term iphone contracts a data deal for their ipad for an additional monthly fee. If it were to be a tenner or even a fiver (nice idea but I fear it won't be that low) a month I might go for a 3g afterall.

This way I get to keep my money till all the deals are on the table -- wifi, and 3g. So then I can pick the deal that exactly suits me.
That's what I am telling myself now anyway. Between the sniffling and gnashing of teeth. ;)

/me hides from O2
Thanks :) I don't want to burst my wallet, ok, I already have over £900k in the bank, but I make sure every penny matters.

/me hides from O2

did i ever tell you that im an attractive young female with massive boobies, and ill send you a picture of said boobies if you where to buy me an iPad :D


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