I don't want to get locked into another data contract. I'm already a touch exasperated that I bought a 3gs last year when they were released on O2, so I'm in contract with them for another year (I went for an 18 monther). And lo and behold - there may well be ANOTHER new iphone come June. Though knowing Apple we'll probably get it six months later or summat by which time I'll be out of contract.

You expect to be one step behind tech a lot of the time, but it is frustrating.
There are rumours of the operators who carry the iPhone doing an add on deal for iPad 3g adopters, which allow you to get a sim plus a data plan for your ipad that will run along side your iPhone contract. But what does this mean ?
Does it mean that you will be paying an extra monthly fee on top of the contract costs and you are locked into paying that extra fee for the duration of the original iPhone contract ?
Does it mean that it locks you into another contract for some unspecified time ?
Can you drop in and out of it every month or is it locked in ?
We have no info so far !
How about payg data for the iPad ? Do we have any info on those options ? - No !
The one thing that really bugs me is that it is unlikely that the data allowance will roll over from one month to the next, or be a true payg model where you pay for say, 1GB of data, and that last until you use it up. Payg data plans (for other devices, like the MiFi for example) seem to only keep the data allowance valid for a short time these days - like one month or three months depending on how much data you buy. For the short amount of time every week I would use the iPad on 3g in my current situation, it would take me an age to use up 1GB. I'd run out of time before I'd even started. But it's always nice to have the 3g option should it be needed in the future.
I am hoping some info as to data plans and pricing will arrive next week, but considering the cloak and dagger shenanigans so far I'm not counting on it.
But then again I have a perfectly good 3g device in my iPhone 3GS, so quite honestly I should just stop worrying about it and get a wifi only really. If I need more 3g in the future I can spring for a MiFi. Or, jb my 3GS (not into that scene really but it seems a solution for 3.1.3 is going to be released pretty soon - Spirit or summat ?). I'd put MiWi on it then and have the best of both.