Well Grats those of you that have it already good luck to those of you that pre-ordered!
I'm gonna be poping down to Bluewater to pick up a 16gb 3G Ipad on launch day, its on the way to work and I'm normally around there about 5am and have told work not to expect me in before 11am (didn't quite tell them what i was doing, not sure it would go down to well on a building site!, Queuing up for an Ipad...)
Anyone had any experience with queing at bluewater apple ? where do you start I assume the shopping center is closed until 0800 so you would need to be outside, also is 5am early enough or will overnight campers gazump me to the last available IPAD in the universe!!!
The US seem to be waiting upto 10 day's currently for instore reserved ipad's cannot see there being that many available in the uk stores at launch and what there is will go very quick... Don't really want to wait another month for it.
By the way im new to the forums (posting at least) so hi all and good luck!
I'm not sure how the whole queuing up outside a shopping centre works. If there's a crowd I can only imagine there will be loads of people trying to leg it to get to the store first - won't it just be a case of who's fastest?