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Spoke to Apple earlier today and was told if you have a ship date of the 28th on your order then you will most probably receive the ipad after that date and not before.
I am not bothered about before. It's on that date I am looking for. I have heard so many different versions of this via Apple that I have no idea what to believe now.
Spoke to Apple earlier today and was told if you have a ship date of the 28th on your order then you will most probably receive the ipad after that date and not before.

Well yeah, because "Shipped by" is different to "Delivered by".
Spoke to Apple earlier today and was told if you have a ship date of the 28th on your order then you will most probably receive the ipad after that date and not before.

Oh dear, that opens a can of worms, they'll be some very unhappy folk about... there appears to be a lot of confusion about this on this forum.
Oh dear, that opens a can of worms, they'll be some very unhappy folk about... there appears to be a lot of confusion about this on this forum.

indeed... if true will cause quite a discussion point for some time to come. It would seem that Apple really is treating the rest of the world as third class
Oh dear, that opens a can of worms, they'll be some very unhappy folk about... there appears to be a lot of confusion about this on this forum.

Yes to be honest i dont think they genuinely know :rolleyes: Just called them again 2 mins ago and explained due to work I would like an idea as to when to expect delivery as my email states " delivered by 28th" as opposed to the order on apple stating ship by 28th!!

She confirmed that it would be delivered on the 28th however take that with a pinch of salt as she seemed to get in a muddle when I stated @ you don't really know do you?" :D

I would like it on the 28th but its not life or death just would like an idea so I can plan my shifts or for someone to sign for it....:)
Yes to be honest i dont think they genuinely know :rolleyes: Just called them again 2 mins ago and explained due to work I would like an idea as to when to expect delivery as my email states " delivered by 28th" as opposed to the order on apple stating ship by 28th!!

She confirmed that it would be delivered on the 28th however take that with a pinch of salt as she seemed to get in a muddle when I stated @ you don't really know do you?" :D

I would like it on the 28th but its not life or death just would like an idea so I can plan my shifts or for someone to sign for it....:)

lmao you're so wrong! :D
Well Grats those of you that have it already good luck to those of you that pre-ordered!

I'm gonna be poping down to Bluewater to pick up a 16gb 3G Ipad on launch day, its on the way to work and I'm normally around there about 5am and have told work not to expect me in before 11am (didn't quite tell them what i was doing, not sure it would go down to well on a building site!, Queuing up for an Ipad...)

Anyone had any experience with queing at bluewater apple ? where do you start I assume the shopping center is closed until 0800 so you would need to be outside, also is 5am early enough or will overnight campers gazump me to the last available IPAD in the universe!!!

The US seem to be waiting upto 10 day's currently for instore reserved ipad's cannot see there being that many available in the uk stores at launch and what there is will go very quick... Don't really want to wait another month for it.

By the way im new to the forums (posting at least) so hi all and good luck!
Spoke to Apple earlier today and was told if you have a ship date of the 28th on your order then you will most probably receive the ipad after that date and not before.

My 'order processing' email states 'Delivers by 28th May', so I'm still expecting it on 28th May.

We will have a good idea the day before (if not earlier) if the pre-orders really are going to arrive on the 28th, as we should have had our 'Order dispatched' emails with tracking numbers by then. The tracking will show where the iPads are in the system and if they are due to arrive on the 28th. If not, then I will be down to my local AppleStore before opening to try to get one there (and will cancel the pre-order)!
If not, then I will be down to my local AppleStore before opening to try to get one there (and will cancel the pre-order)!

If the online pre-orders are not dispatched for delivery on the 28th... they I can guarantee that no shops will have them on the 28th either!!
If you preordered on May 10th and your status says "delivers by 28th May", that's when you'll get it. That's how Apple works with these preorders, eg iPhone 3G or 3GS releases etc.
If the online pre-orders are not dispatched for delivery on the 28th... they I can guarantee that no shops will have them on the 28th either!!

You could be right!!

Apple did 'mess' up the Snow Leopard launch. I pre-ordered, expecting delivery on launch day, but Apple stuck preorders in the 2nd class post or something, so they arrived a few days after the launch. In contrast, the shops had Snow Leopard in stock on launch day.

With a big, iconic launch like the iPad, I'm hoping Apple get it right and deliver preorder iPads on the 28th.
Cancelled my online order as it said "shipped by 7th June" so could get a few days later than that so am going to take my chance and try get in the Regent St Apple Store on 28th May, have never done a first day thing before, would love tips off anyone that has

Is it worth for instance queueing outside overnight to be sure of an iPad for when it opens or could I realistically get there say 7 or so and still stand a chance ? if there is going to be 1000 or so people at opening time I would rather stay out overnight outside the Apple store
I have talked to Apple in both Spain and the Spanish department in Ireland and they have stated that they believe delivery is going to be between 2nd and 4th June.

They said that they believe shipment will be on or after the 28th of May. (ordered wife a 64GB 3G). My delivery date was also specified 'Delivers by 28th May'.

So another lie from the House of Jobs.
I have talked to Apple in both Spain and the Spanish department in Ireland and they have stated that they believe delivery is going to be between 2nd and 4th June.

They said that they believe shipment will be on or after the 28th of May. (ordered wife a 64GB 3G). My delivery date was also specified 'Delivers by 28th May'.

So another lie from the House of Jobs.

This really would be the final kick in the nuts relating to the whole UK preorder/release of the iPad. Shambolic is putting it mildly. :eek:
I have talked to Apple in both Spain and the Spanish department in Ireland and they have stated that they believe delivery is going to be between 2nd and 4th June.

They said that they believe shipment will be on or after the 28th of May. (ordered wife a 64GB 3G). My delivery date was also specified 'Delivers by 28th May'.

So another lie from the House of Jobs.

We seem to be getting a lot of conflicting information from Apple Customer Support...

In my experience, Apple generally handle HARDWARE launches well (both in delivering pre-orders to customers and getting stock in the shops on launch day), so it would be surprising if they mess this up. They have also had a few weeks to accumulate stock for the various countries getting the iPad on the 28th, so I'm still confident we will get our iPads on the 28th May. We will get a better idea next week, when stores announce their launch plans and the shipping notification emails come out.
I too just called Apple, worried by this thread.

My iPad, ordered at 07:44 on the 10th, will be delivered by the 28th May, along with the Camera Connector kit and Apple Case. However, new orders are shipping in June.

So despite my online order status saying "by the 28th", it will be on my desk on the 28th. Apparently it's simply Apple covering its back with standard wording.
So... if Apple haven't shipped by Monday, or Tuesday at the latest, is anyone going to cancel their preorder and just buy from Apple store?
So... if Apple haven't shipped by Monday, or Tuesday at the latest, is anyone going to cancel their preorder and just buy from Apple store?

I may pop into the local Apple store to see if they have any in stock but I'll just wait for my pre-order to be delivered. Already waited this long so another day or 2 or 3 won't make much difference!
I already have the iPad... I'm ordering accessories. Which I really hope do deliver on the 28th as I'm going on holiday shortly after and would like to be taking the camera kit and case with me!!
I wish I knew what day Apple was going to take the money from the bank so I could give the bank a heads up. I would hate them to turn it away in case it's a fraudulent transaction at the last minute.

Yeah, I'm slightly concerned by this eventuality.

I paid for it via Tesco Credit Card at 0407 on the 10th. I rang Tesco at around 9am just to confirm everything was fine as, ime, they've got an unusually stringent spam type filter for fraud and blocked legit transactions in the past. Sure enough, there was a question mark over it. It was quickly resolved no problem and I'd actually already had confirmation emails from Apple at 0550. My only concern is that there'll be a problem *again* when Apple take the moolah and, worse case scenario, cancel it :eek:

There's no question of it going over my limit as I zero balance my cc's every month - I owe no-one nuffink' mercifully :)

Might actually give 'em a ring on Monday, see if they can put a note on my account or something.
I've pre-ordered every single Apple product that can be pre-ordered for the last 4 years. I've always received them on launch day. Can't see the iPad being any different (except for those who were late ordering.)
Im taking a day off for it, doing something else but at least I can play with it for a while. Let's hope its early morning delivery.
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