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I got my 12.9" and it is brilliant. The screen is fantastic. I don't get the pearl clutching about blooming... I am not a professional photographer or graphic designer, so it may be different for them. For me it is remarkable. I will give you an example: watch Season 2, episode 1 of For All Mankind. After the recap and and intro news reel, there is a scene on the moon and then the opening credits. It looks amazing. The blacks are super blacks and the whites and colors pop. Then in the credits, it is basically white letters against mostly black. The white letters are crips and perfect. If that is blooming, then... I don't know, I don't see it. Don't believe the people who have had some axe to grind about this screen. It is brilliant. For professionals who need certain things that I don't... I can't comment on that.

The pencil works great... I have worked through many apps and videos and games. It is everything I had hoped. I have used or owned pretty much every flavor of iPad. The shadow complaint about the top of the screen. I guess I can see what people are saying, but I actually would have thought it was a purposeful tiny bit of 3-D effect if anything. Not an issue... again, unless it impacts someone's professional needs that I don't know about.

This is an amazing bit of kit!
thank you!
Not sure what’s going on but my 12.9 is very hot right now. A tad worrying. Never has this happen with iPads before
Regarding blooming:

Why couldn't Apple release a software update that had one dimming zone for each mini LED (10,000 vs 2,500). I imagine it would take extra processing power, but shouldn't an M1 help with that?

Or maybe they could switch to 'max dimming zones' automatically in situations where a user is using white text on a pure black background (like books/kindle)
Regarding blooming:

Why couldn't Apple release a software update that had one dimming zone for each mini LED (10,000 vs 2,500). I imagine it would take extra processing power, but shouldn't an M1 help with that?

Or maybe they could switch to 'max dimming zones' automatically in situations where a user is using white text on a pure black background (like books/kindle)

Dimming zones are hardware driven, although I imagine software could mitigate the variances by limiting contrast.
I noticed that the magnets for this year’s iPad Pros are a tad stronger than last year’s model. As I was attaching the new iPad Pro to my Smart Keyboard Folio that I bought for the 2020 model of the iPad Pro, the attachment was slightly stronger than before. Anyone else noticed that as well? I could be mistaken.
The new keyboard magnets are stronger too apparently, I guess Apple wanted to make sure that the heavier weight would not make the iPad less stable
Not sure what’s going on but my 12.9 is very hot right now. A tad worrying. Never has this happen with iPads before
Mine runs a bit warm too.

Nothing to worry about; the machine will throttle itself before damage occurs. It won’t hurt anything. But it is a higher wattage CPU than previous versions so; this will happen.

I have noticed an issue with the screen dimming when it gets warm, which is annoying.
Mine runs a bit warm too.

Nothing to worry about; the machine will throttle itself before damage occurs. It won’t hurt anything. But it is a higher wattage CPU than previous versions so; this will happen.

I have noticed an issue with the screen dimming when it gets warm, which is annoying.
Yeah it’s fine now, dunno what caused it though. Battery life certainly not great though. Already down to 11%
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Oddly, with the square edges the iPad isn't as comfortable to hold as my OG 12.9" iPP. And, I'm constantly having to regrip it when I fire it up because my hand blocks the camera for face ID. STILL find myself occasionally reaching for a home button!
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Honestly unless I’m really looking for it I don’t see blooming, I’m busy enjoying this gorgeous screen to look for blooming.

full brightness 😳 I never use my iPad at full brightness, lucky if it goes over 40%

If it bothers you that much, return it, or don‘t go looking for blooming and enjoy that marvellous display.
if you use your ipad a lot in the dark it is very noticeable
Viewing HDR content is a treat to the eyes.

I saw some media on Apple TV + on my new 12.9" iPad Pro....and its spectacular.

I had lot of 1080p movies in VLC player app in my 2018 iPad Pro 11" and I transferred the same to my 12.9", but they dont look that great. The sharpness is not there.
Viewing HDR content is a treat to the eyes.

I saw some media on Apple TV + on my new 12.9" iPad Pro....and its spectacular.

I had lot of 1080p movies in VLC player app in my 2018 iPad Pro 11" and I transferred the same to my 12.9", but they dont look that great. The sharpness is not there.
I just watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Disney+. It is being offered on Dolby Vision and it looks fantastic! The lightsabers and laser fires and explosions looked bright and crisp! It’s really immersive watching using the iPad Pro.
I just watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Disney+. It is being offered on Dolby Vision and it looks fantastic! The lightsabers and laser fires and explosions looked bright and crisp! It’s really immersive watching using the iPad Pro.
I watched a few minutes of it on my new 12.9" last night and wow..... Really great screen, but I'm having trouble accepting the heavier weight.
No need to be an ass, it's just less wieldy of a tablet with the extra weight. Less comfortable to hold for long periods of time. Have you compared this gen to the 2018?
Whenever trying the 11" and 12.9" instore, as I did today - I naturally gravitate to the the larger ipad on the MK because it feels more immerse and laptop like. But the second I snap it off the MK and hold it it just feels too large, heavy and awkward. You just have to pick your compromise.

Tablet first = 11"
Laptop first = 12.9"
Got mine yesterday. Screen is amazing, as expected. What wasn't expected though is the weight of the iPad and the magic keyboard. I had the 2018 Pro, with just the folio keyboard, and this is quite a step up in terms of weight. It weighs about as much as a macbook pro, or it at least feels like it. Not a huge fan of that, but I'll get used to it I guess.
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Yeah it’s fine now, dunno what caused it though. Battery life certainly not great though. Already down to 11%
Yeah. See how it is in a few weeks. There’s always that new device experience where it’s new so you’re using it more; so it feels like battery life is poor.
All Pentile OLED displays are susceptible to green tint at angles. You might not notice it but it exists. It’s because there are twice as many green subpixels. The subpixels are either RG or BG, instead of the normal RGB. This is not a manufacturing mistake but rather an inherent limitation of Pentile OLED.
I always wondered why the subpixel array has to have SO much green. Well, off to the google mines!
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My one huge negative right now is that when attached to the magic keyboard, the screen keeps dimming! It heats up and dims. I don’t know if that’s the display, the M1 chip, or a combination of both.
My iPad from 2020 and my iPhone 12 does the same. If charging and at full brightness and in a warm area, the screen brightness would decrease until one of those were dealt with. You could even move the brightness slider to the top, but it wouldn’t actually change the brightness. It ONLY happened under those circumstances though. If it’s just sitting there doing nothing after a few days and STILL dimming, might be worth checking with Apple.
People say burn in is an issue but I have never seen a single article saying their iPhone has image retention and they’ve been OLED since 2017.
So, there are stories from Android phones that used OLED screens, but displayed the screen similarly as they would for LCD screens. The burn-in was more severe on those. By the time Apple stopped dragging their feet and went to OLED, a lot of the tricks were known and Apple took advantage of all of them. If your prior screen defaulted to never turn off the screen, the new one you restored to would be set for 2 minutes automatically. If Apple detects that the image you want to use for the background is too saturated, they’ll decrease it before setting it as the background, stuff like that. You’d have to go out of your way to make it happen these days, but it is actually a thing.
I’m looking at Kindle books on dark mode and I honestly have no idea what any of you are talking about.

Blooming? Does this involve an onion somehow?

White text on black looks sharp.
My iPad Pro was fine yesterday, but today, right there on the beautiful new screen. Bloomers. :(

Then, my girlfriend grabbed them and finished getting dressed. PHEW, am I relieved!
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