It looks like the dimming zones are really excessively lighting up outside the areas the line is drawn/ui
Yes they do and it's the most stupid thing i have ever seen in terms of local dimming algorithm.
It looks like the dimming zones are really excessively lighting up outside the areas the line is drawn/ui
A 1 second exposure shows the bloom.
View attachment 1800180
OK I have to take this back slightly. I didn’t notice anything in the Kindle app when using dark mode. And didn’t notice in the notes app or Twitter which I always use in dark mode. But I watched a video in the TV app and noticed it in the corners where the time/date and status bar info is. I keep my screen brightness pretty low so it doesn’t really bother me and certainly not enough to return my iPad. I love everything else about it.Just got my new iPad today. Tried to see the blooming people are talking about and I can barely notice it. I am running 14.7 beta. Not sure if there were issues that have been fixed in software or if taking a photo of the iPad screen makes it look way worse than it is. Regardless I can hardly tell. The screen looks perfect to me.
Just got my new iPad today. Tried to see the blooming people are talking about and I can barely notice it. I am running 14.7 beta. Not sure if there were issues that have been fixed in software or if taking a photo of the iPad screen makes it look way worse than it is. Regardless I can hardly tell. The screen looks perfect to me.
If I crank up the brightness in low light then I’m also not able to see the large grey bloomings cause the contrast is so high at that brightness. Those larger bloomings that you see in this discussion are very subtle greys that u can only see (very noticeably) if u leave ur iPad on auto brightness and let your eyes adjust to the dark because as I just said those are very close to black grays (subtle and low contrast). However I don’t know if all eyes can adjust to the same degree, but I personally don’t see much annoying blooming until my eyes actually adjust properly to the dark.I've just took delivery of my 1tb 12.9 after a month wait from o2 in UK, and this panel is the most beautiful display I've ever seen. Now, after reading this thread for a while I waited until light got low, cranked up the brightness and took some pics.
Worth noting I guess, my 12.9 came with ipadOS 14.6 out the box, not sure if that means anything massive but could be a better software with dimming, I dunno.
View attachment 1800149
You can see very minimal bloom around the Apple logo, to me it just looks like a haze from very contrasting brightness.
View attachment 1800171
Just drawing on notes I see a bit of glow, but nothing like what I've seen on this thread, I have edited a version of this pic to show the dimming I'm getting, and it looks nothing like what I've seen so far.
View attachment 1800156
If you zoom in, you can see a glow around the lines, and around menu writing, but it's what I'd call perfectly acceptable.
I don't really know what else to add, except I don't doubt people have the issue, but I certainly don't.
Your case is interesting and it keeps a bit of hope in me cause you’re saying that a change in software was able to change blooming for you (in a bad way). So it means that the degree of blooming is upto the software and it can get better if Apple tries. So it’s not really hardcoded and unchangable.Mine was like this before i did a full DFU restore (due to other problems nothing to do with blooming) and after that my display got worse, but its liveable i was going to return it but decided to keep it as I don’t really use my iPad in a completely dark room so don’t really notice it!
Mine has those bouncy lines floating over it, too! I hope Apple’s able to do something about that.I used the iPad for controlling a smart telescope (awesome gadget by the way) and the dimming zones are very visible like shown in my photo which was not a long exposure one. While I can get used to it, it takes away the magic once associated with an iPad device because it screams into your eyes "I am just made using man made technology with flaws like eveybody else. Get over it!". A little bit exaggerated, I know, but just like the Apple ads.
View attachment 1800405
A 1 second exposure shows the bloom.
View attachment 1800180
I’m sure you don’t see these lines when using your eyes.It looks exactly like this when using my eyes. And I don't know what bouncy lines you are talking about. But I know that it does not make any sense to post anything analytical here anymore. It is just a waste of time.
I’m sure you don’t see these lines when using your eyes.
View attachment 1800564
Are the dimming zones real? Yes, as shown in images earlier in this thread and other images that show sharp square outlines around bright objects.
View attachment 1800565
Is it difficult to get a good picture of the dimming zones? Absolutely, because the natural glow of a “bright near dark” image will make it difficult to capture. But you CAN capture a picture of it. Most of the images that really show it well have been taken from up close. I have no doubt that, with a little more work, you’d be able to capture a good image of it, because it IS a problem for some people.
It’s just that this particular image captures more the natural blooming of light/dark than it does the dimming zones.
From what I’ve read, it’s been described as having to control two separate screens simultaneously. I wonder if this initial iteration was more to focus on the bright parts of the dimming panel matching the LCD and future iterations will be able to change the dimming zones faster and more in line with the areas being lit. It’ll never be perfect, but my guess is that it can be better than it is.The second image shows unnecessary zones being lit. I hope that will get tweaked by iPad OS update.
I have those blooming issues too from the first image but in most scenarios, I don't see it as I don't have black background with white stuff.![]()
A 1 second exposure shows the bloom.
View attachment 1800180
I just got my iPad Pro 12.9 256gb Cellular M1I am on my third iPad Pro after returning the first 2.
The battery seemed bad on the first. The second one‘s colour was slightly muted and I thought it was third time lucky on this but the bloom is really noticeable. In hindsight the first one had an amazing screen and I didn’t understand what everyone was on about.
So it’s possibly hardware related. The screen really pops on this one but it might be going back 😭
Reading this forum in dark mode just fine on this gorgeous mini led display, these reddit and twitter clickbaiters crack me up, they're intentionally maxing out the brightness and taking way over exposed photos and videos for their 2 seconds of fame and it's working a treat for them judging off all the people on here who don't own one and have never seen one in person.
This will all blow over soon and then they'll be looking for their next click bait material so they can stay relevant.
The burden of proof is upon the one making the assertion.
Therefore, if you make a claim and someone asks for data, you can’t turn it around and say “Where’s the data proving me wrong?”
In science and logic, as well as a court of law, if that were allowed it would lead to a world of false conclusions and false convictions. Therefore, it is disallowed according to the laws of logic.
Imagine if I developed a vaccine and said “This is safe and effective for everyone”. The FDA (American Regulatory Authority - Food & Drug Administration) says, “OK before we approve this, show us your data to back that up.” And then I tell the FDA, “First you show me the data that shows I’m wrong”. It just does not and can not work that way.