I’m disappointed in it honestly. This is the iPad I’ve wanted for a while. Mostly screen. No home button. and I love that iPhone 4 design. Despite all this bend stuff I was going to go get one last night. But when I got there, and checked out the display model, it was already bent. Not nothing crazy. You could only tell if you looked down the side of it. But it was bent. Didn’t effect the screen or the usage. But it was still bent. I was able to gently unbend it, to make it *mostly straight. But the ease of unbending it was rather scary. For a lot of people this isn’t going to matter. I have a feeling a great deal of people use their iPad mostly just at home. But I take mine places with me sometimes. Camping...trips...it goes to work with me once in a while. It usually goes in a backpack. One made for electronics. Usually not much else in it. Daughters Nintendo switch and charger. Phone/iPad charger. Small battery pack. Apple Watch charger. And I’m always careful with the bag. But just the lack of effort it takes to bend the thing is scary. I don’t expect it to be industructible. I’m always careful of my stuff and take good care of it. But I’m still only human. For $800 I shouldn’t have to worry about it bending. Screen breaking, yea, dents in the alumnium ok. But not bending. And seeing as how Apple has already went through the bend gate fiasco...then apparently doesn’t learn from it...
It’s a shame. It’s a beautiful device. The iPad I’ve been asking for. But I can’t bring myself to buy it because I will always be too worried about it bending to actually enjoy it. Hopefully next year they reinforce it and the issue is solved.
Decision based on a bent store model, you're kidding right? After all this 'new bend-gate' crap recently, people are bending these store models on purpose, I've seen some doing it myself.
I'm not worried in the slightest about bending this. If you use common sense and treat it as a $1000 device, you're not going to bend it.
No offense, but people act like it magically bends when just looking at it.
This is blown out of proportion..