So do the new batch of the latest iPad Pro 11 inch and iPad Pro 12.9 inch still bend any ?
Alright so here’s the run down. Any tablet or phone can bend. The Apple iPhone 6 has some serious easy bending going on, like light pressure in your pocket bending. So, when the slightest fly fart came up about the iPads being bendable “it had to be true because previous products” it blew way way way way up, and everyone has blown this topic way out of proportion. Your iPad is not going to bend! My iPad is not going to bend! It’s pretty tough, and resilient actually.
Apple only said that the cellular models may not be perfectly straight by a few ass hairs, and it’s not the aluminum body causing this. They don’t look bent, they aren’t really bent bro. It’s just the way the cellular antenna meets with the aluminum body of the iPad. It is how it is designed.
So, when a few dodo brains sat on there iPads, or bent them in a book bag and actually bent them due to to much force they said! “OMG BRO! Mine is bent too!” And the bend they have posted a picture of, is in a totally opposite direction, as to how the cellular models are affected from the factory. So now everyone thinks that you can just drop every new iPad Pro, or barely push on it, or put it in your bag and apparently they just fold in half like cardboard... half of the world believes this lol.
I’ve owned three of them, seen way to many of them, and it’s not even a real issue. Not at all.
As a matter of fact I’d bet you the cost of a 11” iPad that you bought, it wouldn’t be bent. That is how confident I am in the new iPad not being bent.
Just saying, this topic has gotten out of hand.
Until the day cars stop being able to get dings in them is the day when iPads and phones will never bend again. And that is probably never. Because I can go round up all the iPads in my house, old or new and snap them in half with my bare hands. If that’s not strong enough I dunno what to tell you.
I’m so close to taking my 1TB 11” and running it through abuse test and filming it for everyone to see. And just file it on AppleCare+ after. When I first got a new 2018 iPad Pro, I was really cautious when handling it, everybody on the internet really made me think it was as strong as a banana.. until time went on, and I actually owned a few of them that I realized. Man what the hell are these people talking about? Straight as an arrow, all of them, and it stays that way to? Cool. It’s not a banana! So the paranoia has left.
I don’t know how else to put it accept for rumors blow up, and misinformation starts going wild.
Everyone also said the 1TB iPad Pro, only has extra ram for managing large storage space. That was 100% false, and total BS.. but everyone believed it, and a lot of people still do. Please anyone in doubt PM me for a slew of screen shots of an iPad Pro using its 6GB of ram, for everything but storage space.
If you got this far, congratulations the new iPad pro’s are not perfect, but they are damn close