The iPhone 6 had a legitimate problem with bending. It was recognized as a manufacturing issue that was very wide spread.
That is actually incorrect. Even Apple invited press to their test facilities to show them how they test the devices for bending and they mentioned that its fine (just like they are doing with iPad) and yet the next revision it was fixed.
I still have iPhone 6 and its still completely straight but that does NOT give me the right to tell other people that they are crazy or that they can't afford one so they keep bashing it etc.
Some people here should take a deep breath and realise that things don't revolve around themselves and just because their perception is different doesn't give them the right to be passive aggressive towards others who believe the new iPad has an issue.
iPhone 6 had an issue (despite mine being ok)
MBP keyboard has an issue (Apple already on v3 with that)
iPad Pro has issue (structurally weaker than previous version so that is an issue)
Yep. It is the same case with the MacBooks and they are keyboards. Most of the people posting don’t even actually have the issue
I have 2017MBP and until 2 weeks ago (so for 2 years I had zero issues) I didn't have this issue so would that give me the right to tell people that they are wrong and there is no issue? And now that I have the issue too would that give me right to join them and say it is an issue?
Why do people here think its ok to bash others just because they don't have the same experience?
I will take my MBP to Apple but seeing that they are already on v3 I don't understand how some people still deny that the keyboard is essentially flawed design?
So the same applies to the iPad. Most people don't pick up the Apple Care for iDevices so if an issue occurs 1.5years in usage will you have the same sympathy or non sympathy for those that were worried at the beginning?