ups 1, Korea 0
Jamaica, Ny, Us 04/03/2010 6:47 A.m. Arrival Scan
Louisville, Ky, Us 04/03/2010 4:53 A.m. Departure Scan
04/03/2010 12:27 A.m. Import Scan
Guangzhou, Cn 04/02/2010 4:10 A.m. Departure Scan
Shenzhen, Cn 03/30/2010 1:00 A.m. Origin Scan
Cn 04/01/2010 5:29 P.m. Billing Information Received
Relax, just wait it out. A lot of UPS agents don't know about the agreement with Apple and some of them are giving out wrong information as we have seen in this thread.
Just got off the phone with UPS and they tell me that Apple has sent out notifications to all iPad customers informing them of when they'll receive their iPads - today (4/3) or Monday (4/5). Has anyone received specific confirmation on this? All I have are the order update emails about the order shipping - that's it.
I live near Detroit and am available for Saturday delivery, but UPS says that Apple has specifically contracted with them to follow their delivery instructions. If Apple says to deliver today, then they will; if Apple say Monday, that's when you'll get it.
Not sure who to believe here - I do not have anything from Apple stating this fact, so it sounds a bit like b.s.
did anyone else dream of the ipad last night?
I'm 4 hours away from Dallas and UPS is saying my iPad is being delivered today..we shall see. I know I have UPS/Sat deliveries but usually my packages are out for delivery first thing in the morning, but aren't delivered till around 7pm.
Just got off the phone with UPS and they tell me that Apple has sent out notifications to all iPad customers informing them of when they'll receive their iPads - today (4/3) or Monday (4/5). Has anyone received specific confirmation on this? All I have are the order update emails about the order shipping - that's it.
I live near Detroit and am available for Saturday delivery, but UPS says that Apple has specifically contracted with them to follow their delivery instructions. If Apple says to deliver today, then they will; if Apple say Monday, that's when you'll get it.
Not sure who to believe here - I do not have anything from Apple stating this fact, so it sounds a bit like b.s.
I'm on hold right now.... i haven't called before.
Yeah well some of us are still sitting where we have been sitting all week -- in flipping Louisville.
I am, I looked on Google Maps and Bundlebox are about 10 mins away from the Airport. Plus Louisville is 5hrs behind the UK so if deliveries don't start until 9 we should hopefully see something in the next hour or so.
Hopefully they will arrive at Bundlebox early as I assume they will have so many going there they will probably have there own truck. Just hope they can process them quick enough and get the shipped back out again.
did anyone else dream of the ipad last night?
Just got off the phone with UPS and they tell me that Apple has sent out notifications to all iPad customers informing them of when they'll receive their iPads - today (4/3) or Monday (4/5). Has anyone received specific confirmation on this? All I have are the order update emails about the order shipping - that's it.
I live near Detroit and am available for Saturday delivery, but UPS says that Apple has specifically contracted with them to follow their delivery instructions. If Apple says to deliver today, then they will; if Apple say Monday, that's when you'll get it.
Not sure who to believe here - I do not have anything from Apple stating this fact, so it sounds a bit like b.s.
I just called the automated line and my status was:
"Your package is currently on it's way to you"
That is officially the suckiest status update I've ever received.
You know.... I **REALLY** didn't want to wake up and go through this crap. Sure enough... I wake up this morning after spending ALL FLIPPIN WEEK in Louisville Kentucky to find that my iPad is STILL in Louisville Kentucky with an IMPORT SCAN.
MEANWHILE FedEx has managed to get my case, which shipped YESTERDAY AFTERNOON, on a delivery vehicle for my house literally in less than 24 hours.
TECHDUDE!!!!! Please! You are my only hope.....
Psyched, not quite out for delivery, but it is in my town now!