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macrumors 68030
Nov 6, 2014
God people on this forum will complain about everything. Who opens every app on the first page of their phone, then takes a photo, then reopens all those apps as a regular way of interacting with their phone?

In regular day to day use the 11 Pro is great. If you’re upset about this stuff, buy an 11, or an Android phone, or just keep the phone you have.

I say just use the phone the way you’d like. If it works to your liking, keep it. If not, return it and try something else. I am legit diagnosed with OCD so I am picky but I tried the 5.8 Pro and I like it. My thing is battery life and the 5.8 Pro seems to be good enough for me. The camera.... OH GOOD LORD. I’m amazed. I was able to take a clear picture of the stars last night. Uploaded in medium quality so it doesn’t look great on here like it does on my phone.


I mentally **** my pants.


macrumors member
Sep 18, 2019
Likely the iPhone 11 has better RAM management thanks to its lower resolution and smaller screen. iPhone pro has a lot more pixels to push and has to work with the same amount of RAM.
You are exactly right, nice to see someone that knows what’s going on, pro users won’t admit it due to the $$ Apple got them for....many tests have shown there is no question now that the pro models running IOS 13 should have had min 6gb ram to run like a pro model should run....Apple knew this and still released it. g

iOS' internal resolution isn't the same as the screen's resolution, iOS renders everything at an internal resolution, then upscales it for a final render (which is very undemanding). Assuming iOS 13 and iPhone 11/Pro/Max operate the same as the predecessors, then the 11 and Pro Max use the same internal resolution, the 11 upscales at 2X and the Pro Max at 3X. The 11 Pro, on the other hand, would have a lower internal resolution than the Pro and upscale that at 3X. We wouldn't see the Pro and Pro Max produce interchangeable results if it just boiled down to resolution.

But the difference isn't going to make much difference even if the internal resolution was the same as the screen's outside of gaming /3D rendering. 2D rendering isn't demanding on RAM or the processor doing the rendering. Just look at graphics cards, every one on the market today can render a desktop and most graphically basic apps at 4K with little effort, and it's been like that for quite a long time. Many of the older ones that can't, are due to limitations with the version of HDMI or DisplayPort they have, not RAM or GPU power.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 17, 2019
Read the title of your thread “HUGELY BETTER PERFORMANCE on a iPhone 11.
Of course, the diference in my test was HUGE.

Open apps in first page of all phones, take 1 picture and then the pro model reload every single app and the iphone 11 standard keep all in memory except the edition on photos.

If that it is not huge difference, you should have done the test with me and...believe me, your face would change in a sec. I dont mind if its due to having three cameras or to resolution or to lack of optimization in ios 13 but the test was made in the same conditions with ram previously cleared and the results were shocking.

only for taking 1 miserable standard picture. Not video, not panorama, not making an edit imovie film or a game. One picture and pro model cleared all in ram of the apps preinstalled in the first page. Tipically: calendar, clock, messages, phone app, wallet...

I was shocked because i noticed something was wrong and i only want to share with all of us to make a friendly and constructive thread. NOT to ofend people ego or to say pro model are bad. Nothing...

I cant understand why some take this threads so personal.

It was very noticiable and I was the FIRST surprised. What I think is that is lack of optimization even though maybe 2gb extra of ram for the pro would help. Who

have a great day and again...calm feelings and talk in a friendly way. This is not personal or fake news.

If ios 13.1 solves this I would be happy because apple take consideration of this problem quickly. Was not the same with ios 11 which was a completely headache until ios 12 arrived.

My 3 cents...
The people getting the most upset about this are the ones who were never even interested in the phone in the first place. Pretty sad if you ask me.
Totally agree. I cant understand why some take this so personal. Its a non sense


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 17, 2019
One more thing...I believe that opening all apps in first page was not necessary to reproduce the problem. I think that maybe with the first or second line would be enough before taking one picture and then check if everything has reload. I was only trying to fill more ram but not too much. I explained before, were normal apps, not demanding apps. If i did the test with 3 apps i dont see the sense. For that I buy a motorola moto c of 69€

People tend to make the critic at graphic examples that try to help understanding the problem. It is not saying is your day by day use.

I have never seen this difference in other iphones previously.

And for those who say that their phone performs perfect...ok. It is the same as with the screens. Put them together and you will notice in favor oled but if not the liquid retina is great.

In this case i think putting phone together is shocking as you see the results in person as I did but it is not necessary. If i do this test on my own in only pro model and i got everything reload i will be upstet with one device in hand what doesnt happen with the liquid retina in hand on its own.

Think about it.


macrumors demi-god
Aug 28, 2015
One more thing...I believe that opening all apps in first page was not necessary to reproduce the problem. I think that maybe with the first or second line would be enough before taking one picture and then check if everything has reload. I was only trying to fill more ram but not too much. I explained before, were normal apps, not demanding apps. If i did the test with 3 apps i dont see the sense. For that I buy a motorola moto c of 69€

People tend to make the critic at graphic examples that try to help understanding the problem. It is not saying is your day by day use.

I have never seen this difference in other iphones previously.

And for those who say that their phone performs perfect...ok. It is the same as with the screens. Put them together and you will notice in favor oled but if not the liquid retina is great.

In this case i think putting phone together is shocking as you see the results in person as I did but it is not necessary. If i do this test on my own in only pro model and i got everything reload i will be upstet with one device in hand what doesnt happen with the liquid retina in hand on its own.

Think about it.
try the test on 13.1. your test is already old news unless you try 13.1
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 17, 2019
try the test on 13.1. your test is already old news unless you try 13.1
Maybe. I said before that i would be happy if ios 13.1 solved it.

I made the test the day before ios 13.1 arrived because was when i go to an apple store casually. Post it that day and i couldnt go to a store again. I usually dont go everyday to apple stores...laugh

thanks. I am really willing to test it again and to publish it inmediately with a SOLVED


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 17, 2019
FINAL THOUGHTS. Coming right now of an apple store, an fnac and mediamarkt store.
Non sense. I tried again the test in phones running under ios 13.0 and under 13.1

1) The most strange thing. Some phones running under ios 13.0 had that terrible performance (fnac ones). Others like on mediamarkt perform very well. Maybe it´s due to preloaded apps in some carriers or some shops.

2) Ios 13.1 improve performance in both iphone 11 and 11 pro. Now it´s ok in both even though the standard model is slightly quicker in animations due to having less pixel to push but the difference is nothing to take care of.

3) This was an interesting thread for me experimenting in models with different software preloaded and surprised me especially the ones on point (1)

4) Now, have a great day everybody and rest in peace.


macrumors 68030
Aug 10, 2006
you can google how to clear ram on iphone x or similar
I did, but I couldn't find any sort of official Apple support document detailing the process, or that it's a recommended troubleshooting step, or that the described process actually does anything at all.


macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2015
New phones. New version iOS. Apple’s long history of not having their OS whether OS X or this finally nailed until March the following year.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Never in the history of computing has someone said "it'll be better if I put less RAM in"

The only consideration is "we're already charging people the maximum price we can, and giving them the least storage we can, so the only other place to cut our costs is giving the minimum RAM we can get away with"
It’s called tuning the device for the majority use case vs price vs battery life.

To your second point, go Tim, my Apple holdings are excited.
how about losing your place in emails, safari, youtube or a powerpoint?
I’ve gone 24+ hours and YouTube hasn’t reloaded. I’ll never say never, but say usually.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Of course, the diference in my test was HUGE.

Open apps in first page of all phones, take 1 picture and then the pro model reload every single app and the iphone 11 standard keep all in memory except the edition on photos.

If that it is not huge difference, you should have done the test with me and...believe me, your face would change in a sec. I dont mind if its due to having three cameras or to resolution or to lack of optimization in ios 13 but the test was made in the same conditions with ram previously cleared and the results were shocking.

only for taking 1 miserable standard picture. Not video, not panorama, not making an edit imovie film or a game. One picture and pro model cleared all in ram of the apps preinstalled in the first page. Tipically: calendar, clock, messages, phone app, wallet...

I was shocked because i noticed something was wrong and i only want to share with all of us to make a friendly and constructive thread. NOT to ofend people ego or to say pro model are bad. Nothing...

I cant understand why some take this threads so personal....

....Totally agree. I cant understand why some take this so personal. Its a non sense
Because its not mosts people’s use case to use 25 apps simultaneously in a workflow and then take a picture and complain about reloads? Maybe people aren’t taking it personally but arguing / discussing using the phone like that is what get clicks on YouTube videos. Either way the phone should work for your workflow, not some theoretical situation.

Anyway I’m going to be playing around with these phones in the Apple store today.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 17, 2019
I did, but I couldn't find any sort of official Apple support document detailing the process, or that it's a recommended troubleshooting step, or that the described process actually does anything at all.
In fact, that is the process for clearing ram. If you don´t believe it, do the following:

restart the phone so ram is for sure cleared.
then open 2-3 apps or 1. It doesn’t matter.
Open them again and you will see they are already opened in ram

After that, let´s clear ram. Do exactly the process as described in the video I posted If you need a visual explanation. It needs to be the way it is done, not similar:

1) enable assistive touch
2) one press in volume Up
3) one press in volume down
3) one long press in power button
4) click the assistive touch button while on the shutdown screen (the one without the emergency call option...if not you do it wrong)
5) long press the home button of the virtual assistive touch which is showed with The other options
6) if you do it right you will be back in home screen and ram cleared. Take into consideration that you can`t press the button, wait 2 or more seconds and then do the next step. In that case it doesn’t work. You need to be reasonable quickly. nothing of other world but consistent in speed

After doing that, open whatever app you opened before doing the process and you will see it reloads fully.
That means was cleared from the background.

if you like try using some app with ram statistics and you will see that inmediately after doing the process, the ram is being reallocated in active, inactive, free, used...


macrumors 68040
Nov 6, 2008
God people on this forum will complain about everything. Who opens every app on the first page of their phone, then takes a photo, then reopens all those apps as a regular way of interacting with their phone?

In regular day to day use the 11 Pro is great. If you’re upset about this stuff, buy an 11, or an Android phone, or just keep the phone you have.
Couldn’t agree more. Reminds me of the time when the blackberry storm came out. People were happy initially at all the things it could do with the push down screen. I simply hated the fact that you couldn’t stay on a call long enough to say hello because the push down screen would keep hanging up for you.
Hi everybody,

Yesterday I got really disappointed. I went to an Apple Store to see and try as much as I could the new models.

This post is about ram and speed performance between two models at least with iOS 13.0 which was the version available at that moment. I couldn't try if iOS 13.1 improves this fact. I know both phones have 4gb of ram which is the thing that made me thing apple needs to vastly improve performance on the pro models

Well... the test I did was the following. I took an iPhone 11 in one hand and an 11 pro max in another (guess that with the standard 11 pro would be the same). I closed every app in the background and then fully clean ram with assistive touch button and the volume up and down commands. Then I only use in both phones all the apps preinstalled in the first page of both phones. I opened every single app in both phones and both performed well. I also interacted with the apps like for example selecting a song in Apple Music, a message, a contact, open a webpage, an iBook...

Then I made the test that usually struggle iPhones...I took only 1 photo in both phones after opening all those apps (including the camera which was the fourth app but I didn't take photos in the first round).

After doing that in both phones I made a second round opening in order all the apps and OMG, the difference was pretty noticeable. The pro model had to reload calendar, photos, mail, maps, music, podcast, App Store, webpage opened on safari, phone app lost contact position, same on iMessage. It was such a downside and what is more, some apps that resisted only one miserable photo in ram memory opened but seemed that took like some effort reopening.

In the other hand the iPhone 11 kept almost everything in ram and was instantly opening all those apps with 0 lag as differ from the pro on little apps kept in memory. The only app that lost position was photos in the sense that I kept it in the first round in edit mode and in the second the app open in all photos view.

I did the test in various models and all performed equally. I don't know wtf is happening but it was very very disappointing. The difference in performance when reopening apps in a second round was day and night.

I hope it is a software problem but both iPhone 11 and pro were in iOS 13.0 so the software was the same. I can only think of the resolution of the display or two versus three cameras being in favor of the non pro model but even in that case it is not justified. the a13 bionic supposed to be a monster and this year both phones have 4gb of ram. If I got this result between the xr and the xs I could pass it but with the new models I think it shouldn't happen.

It wasn't a thing of one or two apps reloading in one phone and not in the other. It was massive. The pro lost almost every single position in ram and need to reopen 90% apps and it seemed to suffer a bit when doing it. The 11 standard was noticeable faster and snappier.

Make the test if you like in a store but make sure to close all apps before and clear ram activating assistive touch button and then volume up, volume down, click the ball of assistive touch and long press the home virtual button because that is the procedure for fully cleaning ram in iPhones nowadays.

Hope it is only a software problem. If not...oh man...
I did it because I had an X and ram wasn't good enough for me as differ from the xs and I needed to be sure that actual phones perform ok

Comment with or without testing. Remember this test was intensively done under iOS 13.0. If I can I will make it again under iOS 13.1 that is already out.

Have a great day
I wish I had this much time on my hands... not being sarcastic, I genuinely mean it.


macrumors 68000
Feb 2, 2009
I think you guys saying you won't use your phone like this are missing the point.

If the phone can hold less in RAM due to the camera, this means in real world usage you will be reloading apps from scratch more often. This adds up to significant time, over the year+ you'll have this phone (presumably), spent waiting for the phone to perform operations.

I think you're missing the point. Time doesn't "add up". No one gets an extra few hours or days back at the end of the year because they had a more efficient phone. You can't even use those 15 seconds you saved today and enjoy them this evening. Time doesn't work that way. You can measure the amount of time lost, but you can't really reclaim it or use it in any meaningful way. So, in my opinion, the whole "it really adds up over time" argument is completely pointless and misleading. Unless one is interested in useless statistics, like how much of our lives we spend in the bathroom.
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macrumors 65816
Jan 24, 2019
Of course, the diference in my test was HUGE.

Open apps in first page of all phones, take 1 picture and then the pro model reload every single app and the iphone 11 standard keep all in memory except the edition on photos.

If that it is not huge difference, you should have done the test with me and...believe me, your face would change in a sec. I dont mind if its due to having three cameras or to resolution or to lack of optimization in ios 13 but the test was made in the same conditions with ram previously cleared and the results were shocking.

only for taking 1 miserable standard picture. Not video, not panorama, not making an edit imovie film or a game. One picture and pro model cleared all in ram of the apps preinstalled in the first page. Tipically: calendar, clock, messages, phone app, wallet...

I was shocked because i noticed something was wrong and i only want to share with all of us to make a friendly and constructive thread. NOT to ofend people ego or to say pro model are bad. Nothing...

I cant understand why some take this threads so personal.

It was very noticiable and I was the FIRST surprised. What I think is that is lack of optimization even though maybe 2gb extra of ram for the pro would help. Who

have a great day and again...calm feelings and talk in a friendly way. This is not personal or fake news.

If ios 13.1 solves this I would be happy because apple take consideration of this problem quickly. Was not the same with ios 11 which was a completely headache until ios 12 arrived.

My 3 cents...

Totally agree. I cant understand why some take this so personal. Its a non sense

I ran the test as you described. I even recorded the screen doing so. No app reload on any apps, after taking a photo and reopening each one again.

I will upload video around 6:30-7:00pm
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macrumors 65816
Jan 24, 2019
Yeah. If RAM was as huge an issue as people are making it out to be, the XR wouldn't have been the popular choice of last generation.

ram is not an issue. I do not get reloads if I open camera and take a picture
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