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macrumors 65816
Aug 4, 2014
lol sorry if you can't afford this but anyone who says they're happy with an 8 Plus is full of it IMO
I’m totally happy with an 8+… I don’t begrudge anyone getting the phone they want, but most aspects of the subsequent models are minuses for me. Sure, I’d enjoy a slightly faster phone, but I’d rather have the things I can only currently get in this design.


macrumors 65816
Oct 1, 2021
Based on your posting history, you appear to be an incredibly negative person. Life’s too short, let it go.

Food for thought…

Many people, myself included, actually enjoy things in life, like getting a new iPhone for instance. Maybe because it brings usefulness or even enjoyment to their lives. Does both for me. Imagine that. Either way, nobody is forced by Apple or it’s legions to buy a new iPhone.

Fun factoid: a lot of folks, myself included, sell their current phone to offset the cost of the new phone. It’s not like I just throw it in the trashcan year after year and start over. For 2 or $300 out of pocket, I have a new phone each year. Less than the price of a cup of coffee a day, I have a new iPhone. Yeah, I’m all about that. Go figure… 🤔

I look at the trade in price in Apple site, if you trade in Pro or Pro Max 13, you lose like $600 on average comparing to buy in price
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macrumors 6502
Jul 12, 2011
Even though I don't upgrade every year, I'm happy for anyone who does!

If it makes you happy, good for ya! Why does anyone care or bother how someone spends their hard earned money ?

We're all enslaved by materialism in some form. I spend on cars (mods) and AV products. Some spend on clothes, some on eating out frequently ( which can be rather expensive ), some on video games.. it's all good!! My neighbor is obsessed with caps and shoes lol..
Being enslaved by anything is the definition in one way or another of not being free and certainly not happy. Personally it’s a bad choice of words in this context I’d you’re trying to make a counter point to the OP. « Something that we can do something about, enslaves us and hence we have to accept that (for some reason), hence it’s all fine this enslavement ». The OP is trying to make an opposite point, backed up strongly by endless psychological studies that late capitalism in its most productive phase is leading to tragic unhappiness in the MOST wealthy countries, and isolation and atomisation which encourages even more consumption to act as a crutch or medication to the problem, as opposed to seeing the issue for what it really is. Capitalism can only survive with irrational consumption - a transfer of earned wealth of ordinary people to super corporations who have more money than states and don’t know what to do with it. That’s a stupid system in the context of humanity and sustainability. And for those who make the simple argument of “what’s wrong with buying stuff, buy what makes you happy” - we’ve known for the past 40 years that our consumption habits are out of control (not our fault, marketing has ensured they’re that way) and our planet is literally being entirely consumed for this deeply unsustainable “progress”. Your argument is one of many that is literally killing the planet. If we were to be sustainable Apple would be ordered to make a new iPhone once every 4/5 years max, make all phones highly repairable and cheap to repair (not 3/4 the price of new one just to replace a screen) and the same would be expected of the auto industry, they clothing industry etc. Purchasing seasons would be gone, companies profits or license to operate would be directly connected to their level of sustainability and ho much they impact that planet and hence profits would suffer - Correctly. Hence the conclusion is a for-profit system is not conducive to sustainable life on the planet. Remember everyone, that we are at multiple tipping points due to industrial emissions mostly. The same industry that wants to justify a new iPhone model (and watch, and iPad, and MacBooks almost every year).


macrumors 6502
Jul 12, 2011
Do you say the same thing to auto enthusiasts on their forums? How about general aviation pilots who own their own aircraft? Maybe you suggest the same to nearly any hobbyist of any sort who can answer the exact same to the questions you pose?

I personally spend approximately $200-300 out of pocket every single year on a new phone. That, to me, is a pretty cheap hobby considering what I could spend on others.
It’s not really a fair comparison considering that at least for the GA space (and to some extent cars), most have planes that are genuinely 50/60 years old (now that’s the ultimate in sustainability) and they're constantly repaired and serviced as opposed to replaced every 2 to 3 years, so I don’t understand your point. (Cars are becoming to some extent an exception to this rule in rich countries and that’s a worrying trend)

Also I’d suggest that your yearly phone purchases are highly unsustainable (regardless of the fact that they’re cheaper than the most expensive phones). Even if phones can be not terribly long lasting (batteries go quick, glass screens get cracked easily, software updates slow them down) using them for 1 year and moving on to something new is NOT a good thing.

Like I said in a previous post, the price differential you pay or the low price you pay is not decent enough justification to constantly upgrade ESPECIALLY when you take into account sustainability and constant usage of finite resources. Capitalism does make us look at just the monetary cost of a thing to make us decide whether it’s good for us or not - not sustainability, not usage of materials, not treatment of workers and environment (for sure me and some others might give a crap about this stuff to our mental detriment) but for most it’s just a question of can I afford this new shiny thing or does it bankrupt me right now. And for some of you it’s a question of whether you can get a new one each year and I think you should ask yourselves if you're being sustainable or not. The system won’t do the good thing for you, it’s just out to make money. It doesn’t care if there’s no planet tomorrow, they’ll be flying to mars or on an unreachable climate change proof island laughing from a distance.


macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2009
Central, Louisiana
Every year the wise one comes in and shares his or her opinion on why they aren't going to upgrade and that everyone else probably shouldn't either. Then folks get defensive about upgrading. Honestly, I don't make my decisions based on what anyone post in these forums. If I want to upgrade every year then that is what I am going to do. If I want to upgrade every 2 or 3 years then that is what I'll do. Last time I went to an Apple Store no one twisted my arm to my back pocket to pull my wallet out and forced me buy anything. No one needs to upgrade every year, but some do and if they have the means to do so then power to them. Now if your kids or other responsibilities are suffering so you can have the latest and greatest iPhone, you have bigger problems and that cannot be fixed on this forum. If you want to put a battery in an older phone that this is likely the last year it will get software updates then just do you, no one really cares. I do enjoy reading these ridiculously funny, uh I mean serious threads. LOL :)


macrumors 601
Oct 4, 2003
It's that time of year again, when Apple and its legions of followers will make you think you need to separate yourself from $1,500 of hard-earned money to get a new phone.

Here's a checklist I use when thinking about acquiring a new phone.

1. Will the phone do anything I need? No.
2. With the new phone, will I end up doing exactly the same things I'm doing with my present phone? Yes.
3. Will the phone make me happier? No.
4. Will the phone make me poorer? Yes, in several ways.

Food for thought...

So today I got a new battery for my 8 Plus. Totally happy, and probably good for another 2 years. :)

it’s all relative. if $1500 is a big deal to you, then you probably don’t need a minor upgrade.


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2005
it’s all relative. if $1500 is a big deal to you, then you probably don’t need a minor upgrade.
This thread is a actually a pretty interesting study in psychology.

The above is a pretty typical (male?) defensive response that I have seen in various iterations on this thread, along the lines of: “scoff, you can’t afford it, I can”.

As if the OP making a different purchasing decision was somehow threatening to the poster and/or a reflection of whether they had the money to fund the purchase or didn’t (which I can only speculate at).

In my own experience (not living hand to mouth) the amount of cash I have on hand is rarely the determinant of whether I will buy something or not.


macrumors 601
Oct 4, 2003
This thread is a actually a pretty interesting study in psychology.

The above is a pretty typical (male?) defensive response that I have seen in various iterations on this thread, along the lines of: “scoff, you can’t afford it, I can”.

As if the OP making a different purchasing decision was somehow threatening to the poster and/or a reflection of whether they had the money to fund the purchase or didn’t (which I can only speculate at).

In my own experience (not living hand to mouth) the amount of cash I have on hand is rarely the determinant of whether I will buy something or not.
that’s not what i’m saying really. i’m saying it’s obtuse to ignore that it is all relative. for someone who makes 1M a year the decision to upgrade requires much less convincing than someone who makes $50k. it’s just a fact. i’m sorry if you can’t handle that reality.
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macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2005
that’s not what i’m saying really. i’m saying it’s obtuse to ignore that it is all relative. for someone who makes 1M a year the decision to upgrade requires much less convincing than someone who makes $50k. it’s just a fact. i’m sorry if you can’t handle that reality.
Apologies I didn’t mean to pick on you specifically, but being unable to rationalize not buying something for anything other than financial reasons is OG poor people thinking.


macrumors regular
Aug 24, 2021

I understood the mascarade when they versus their brand new iPhone with the iPhone 11, that’s shame !

They even not mention the upgrade about the last generation because … there is no one 😳
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macrumors 603
Apr 13, 2010
Bedfordshire, UK
For the first time ever I won't be upgrading but I look forward to the first reviews & user experiences of the new phones. I just won't be part of it this year but will still enjoy the buzz of new hardware.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2012
West Allis, WI
This thread is a actually a pretty interesting study in psychology.

The above is a pretty typical (male?) defensive response that I have seen in various iterations on this thread, along the lines of: “scoff, you can’t afford it, I can”.

As if the OP making a different purchasing decision was somehow threatening to the poster and/or a reflection of whether they had the money to fund the purchase or didn’t (which I can only speculate at).

In my own experience (not living hand to mouth) the amount of cash I have on hand is rarely the determinant of whether I will buy something or not.
They buy it because they can? Is that so hard to understand?

Bootleg Gucci

macrumors 6502
Sep 16, 2013
Jane’s posts make for exciting discourse on MR forums. I said no to upgrading this year since my iPhone 12 PM looks physically so similar to 13 to 14 PM.


macrumors 65816
Oct 18, 2011
It’s that time of year for Jane to be hating on something iPhone centric.

It happens every year. Let folks do what they want. I have a 12 PM and I’m getting a 14 PM to replace it.
Enjoying life is getting something nice for yourself every now and then getting something you want.

To everyone getting a 14 enjoy it. When the 15 comes get it if you want or don’t get it. It’s up to you. If you want to stick with a iPhone 8 that’s fine but let folks get a new iPhone every year if they want it.


macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2021
My 2 cents, copy/pasta from my post in another thread :

I used to upgrade every year but now I don't see the point tbh

After a couple of weeks, the novelty eventually wears off

I'm a photographer, between my DSLR and my iPhone 13 Pro I'm all set

The 14 Pro has better cameras - although let's wait to see the real tests - but the 13 Pro is still great in that department

I watched a tech Youtuber's video yesterday - he said he will upgrade to the 14 Pro from his 13 Pro "I need it because I'm a content creator" Lol he has been using his 13 Pro just fine for his content, seems to me he is just trying hard to justify the upgrade

Also, the trade in deals here in Canada suck

But I respect people and their decisions, it's nit my money lol
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macrumors 68040
Jul 3, 2012
I was unsure if i should buy it until the last second. Dynamic Island looked so cool, that i almost bought it.

But then i remembered everything i hated about the 12Pro and how happy i was trading it for a Mini.. and the 14 Pro is even bigger and heavier.

Shiny new features are nice, but it won't really allow me to do anything i couldn't before. But it will be less comfortable in daily use (for me), which is way more important.

But if there was a 14 Pro Mini, there is no way i could have resisted.


macrumors 68020
Apr 3, 2012
Why is it so difficult for some people to accept that Apple is no longer as innovative as before? It’s just a company which obviously has up and down. It’s veerry normal. Also, Apple won’t give any credits or award for them.
I would just accept it. If its product is still beneficial for me and affordable for me, I will buy it. Otherwise, or if there is better alternative, I will buy the other instead. Simple.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 21, 2010
I upgrade every year and have since the original. My 1TB Pro Max is being delivered on Friday. The new upgrade plans (Apple, AT&T, etc) make it easy to upgrade these days without having to cut a check for $1600.

But I would still do it even without the upgrade plans. Why? I use my phone many times an hour, every waking hour, of every day. Having that device be the fastest, most capable device possible is of value to me. Also, like many people, my phone is my primary camera and I take a lot of pics. Camera upgrades alone are enough value to have me upgrade, and the upgrades this year are significant.

We each have our own, different value profiles. :)
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