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macrumors 6502
Sep 16, 2020
People need to do what makes them happy. If that means dropping $1500+ on the top spec iPhone 14 Pro Max then so be it. Everyone’s situation is different. I personally will go with the 14 pro 512GB. My mind is already made up. 😃


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I think I would get bored if it weren't for the current advances in camera tech. That's pretty much my #1 thing and every year the tech improves enough for me to get pumped about.

I have a couple of pretty good DSLR’s (Canon 5D MK4 and a Nikon D300S) so my demands for point and shoot aren’t as big day to day. It’s nice to have a decent phone camera with me but iPhones usually remain pretty good in this department for longer than a year. If it’s your only camera then it’s different I suppose.
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macrumors regular
Jun 13, 2015
Here's a checklist I use when thinking about acquiring a new phone.

1. Will the phone do anything I need? No.
2. With the new phone, will I end up doing exactly the same things I'm doing with my present phone? Yes.
3. Will the phone make me happier? No.
4. Will the phone make me poorer? Yes, in several ways.

So today I got a new battery for my 8 Plus. Totally happy, and probably good for another 2 years. :)

To expand to that:
5. Does my current phone have any issues? No
6. Will I get enough trade in value for my stupid decision to buy the 13pr max with 1TB? No
7. Battery still good? Yes
8. Is a nice time somewhere with the family more important? Yes
9. Is my current phone capable documenting #8? Yes
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macrumors regular
Nov 8, 2009
I usually buy one every two or three years. In the past, my older phone has gone to someone who needs a phone.

Yes, I'm buying one this year. To each his own. I never try to influence anyone on what they should or should not buy, but I also can't criticize someone who feels obligated to voice his or her opinion.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2002
Good PSA, totally agree. Unlike the above characterization of OP as negative, I find posts like these to be rare on the forums, grounding, and a breath of fresh air. Not to say folks who want the new iphone shouldn‘t get one, to each their own, everyone has their unique situation and reasons. I always like to look over new releases, they’re mildly interesting, but OP’s reasons are well stated and good reminders. Just my humble opinion.

I don’t find his reasons well stated at all.
If the phone doesn’t do anything he needs, then why have a phone at all.

He will probably still be doing the same things, but would be doing them fast and better, along with a very nicely updated iOS.

Will it make him happier. Clearly no, but that’s a personal problem.

Will it make him poorer? No, of course not! What a silly thing to say. You spend money and receive something in return.

These sorts of posts are frequent. No matter what the subject is, the posters can’t see beyond their needs.


macrumors newbie
Sep 6, 2022
Based on your posting history, you appear to be an incredibly negative person. Life’s too short, let it go.

Food for thought…

Many people, myself included, actually enjoy things in life, like getting a new iPhone for instance. Maybe because it brings usefulness or even enjoyment to their lives. Does both for me. Imagine that. Either way, nobody is forced by Apple or it’s legions to buy a new iPhone.

Fun factoid: a lot of folks, myself included, sell their current phone to offset the cost of the new phone. It’s not like I just throw it in the trashcan year after year and start over. For 2 or $300 out of pocket, I have a new phone each year. Less than the price of a cup of coffee a day, I have a new iPhone. Yeah, I’m all about that. Go figure… 🤔
^^^^ I could not agree more with this. I for one, buy a new iPhone every year. Do I need to? Absolutely not. Do I want to? You betcha. Could I spend my money on things that might be more fulfilling in my life? Probably. I genuinely enjoy new iPhones and Apple Watches - one (two?) of the small things in life that makes me happy.


Sep 11, 2014
25 years is very long, that must be a Toyota.

Just Curious you’re spending money on phones every year why won’t buy a new car:
Because I don’t need to and don’t want to. It’s just the smartphones I enjoy splurging on. Maybe someday I’ll have the time, energy and space for other hobbies and interests more beyond the commitments and responsibilities that consume so much of my life now.

But right now it’s just that something I’m able and need to have with me almost all of the time is also something I find interesting and pretty to look at and fun to own.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 17, 2016
San Diego

people don’t need a new phone each year, the upgrades aren’t worth it. In my expert opinion I think people just buy the latest phone as bragging rights rather than actually wanting it because of what it can do. It’s why the M2 is selling , people don’t even need it yet they buy one simply to post they have one in this forum and probably never use it.
I can see both sides of the argument here. Whereas yes I do so much on my phone, I don’t need the new one to keep doing it. I feel like upgrading every year has lost its appeal to me because like another poster said, we do other things with the money we make as a family. While I agree you can game, do banking, Watch tv etc on a phone (per the argument sake) I think if you have a one or two even three year old phone - that phone can still easily handle that. My games will function the same as they do on my 12 pro max as they would on the upcoming 14 pro max. I’m more interested in the usbc down the road and whatever improvements they will have by then. But my 12 pro max is amazing. Still performing beautifully and I have no desire to go through the upgrade just to be like “it’s pretty much the same phone “ a week later when the novelty wears off


macrumors 6502a
Feb 17, 2016
San Diego
Though I think all iPhone 14's will sell really well, as always (no doom and gloom from my perspective), I also think lots of people will hold onto their wallets because 'tough times and my current phone works well enough and is also on the latest version' and wait it out at least another year.
I’ll see this when my store launches them. Or come back for the discounted 12s and 13s..


macrumors member
Jul 24, 2022
Sadece 13'ü satarak 14 Pro veya 14 Pro Max'e ne kadar para harcayacağım konusunda endişeliyim.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
I've noticed that people who just want to buy things (whether they are needed or not) will have endless amounts of justifications for it.

All good.. Your money

But, I will say that the "always justifiable" consumerism is helping to destroy the planet and exhaust all resources.

We've all been brainwashed to be automotons that just "earn, spend, buy, buy, buy!!"
"you earned it" .. "you're worth it" ... "splurge on yourself!", "you only live once!" .. etc


macrumors regular
Dec 4, 2016
Recently I dropped my 2016 iPhone SE from 2m height onto tile floor. The bumper case took much of the shock, but it quickly became clear that the internals are damaged - everything goes slower and sometimes the screen does not accept input. So I was like: ok, I'll upgrade to a 13 mini. But what will it do for me that is really new and worth all the money? Absolutely nothing, I realized. So I'm squeezing some more life out of my beloved little SE fellow and will move on only after it is really dead for good...


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
Yes. Let me manage my workflow better and take better pictures of my family.

No. With the increase in screen size I will have additional flexibility.


No. One deal I’ll have made the $$$ for the phone back.

I look forward to my new pro max.

Apple puh-leaze let me buy one.
I think for me I probably won't upgrade for a couple more years. It's more money than anything for me. I'm one of those that can't afford a yearly/bi-yearly upgrade so I just make due with what I have until I can afford a new iPhone.

The great thing is that Apple supports its products for quite a long time with its OS releases. My iPhone 12 Pro Max runs great and does what I need of it. Before my 12 I had the 8. It ran a bit slow towards its EOL and wasn't able to access a couple of newer features but it ran well and that worked for me.

I criticize Apple alot here but one area I can't is in the longevity of their products & the software support.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Recently I dropped my 2016 iPhone SE from 2m height onto tile floor. The bumper case took much of the shock, but it quickly became clear that the internals are damaged - everything goes slower and sometimes the screen does not accept input. So I'm like: ok, I'll upgrade to a 13 mini. But what will it do for me that is really new and worth all the money? Absolutely nothing, I realized. So I'm squeezing some more life out of my beloved little SE fellow and will move on only after it is really dead for good...

I did a brief stint for a couple weeks with a 13 Mini ... and am back on my SE1

The 13 Mini, of course, does a bunch of stuff better/faster/etc ... but I realized that almost none of it made a difference to me and how I use my phones ... and I totally preferred the slightly smaller feel and interaction experience with the SE1.

It was a very happy move back.


macrumors newbie
Sep 8, 2020
Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles
It's that time of year again, when Apple and its legions of followers will make you think you need to separate yourself from $1,500 of hard-earned money to get a new phone.

Here's a checklist I use when thinking about acquiring a new phone.

1. Will the phone do anything I need? No.
2. With the new phone, will I end up doing exactly the same things I'm doing with my present phone? Yes.
3. Will the phone make me happier? No.
4. Will the phone make me poorer? Yes, in several ways.

Food for thought...

So today I got a new battery for my 8 Plus. Totally happy, and probably good for another 2 years. :)
Lol I guess you like the 4g coverage, high pixel pictures and videos, extreme overheating due to an incompatible system trying to run newer functions, obsolete tech, and have to worry about being phased out every 6 months . Got it 👍🏾 . Why share your purchasing plans to us when we aren’t apple? Tell them or better yet, get an android .


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Lol I guess you like the 4g coverage, high pixel pictures and videos, extreme overheating due to an incompatible system trying to run newer functions, obsolete tech, and have to worry about being phased out every 6 months . Got it 👍🏾 . Why share your purchasing plans to us when we aren’t apple? Tell them or better yet, get an android .

Why share your hyperbolic overreaction of a response?

It's a discussion forum and it's enjoyable to have some alternative views be brought up, as the OP has done.
Personally, I really appreciate it


macrumors regular
Aug 27, 2020
The Netherlands
Love is not a gadget, love is not a toy
When you find the one you love she’ll fill your heart with joy…

Sweet post. Who- or whatever we come to know as a cause for joy or happiness however has a degree of misery or unhappiness in it as well. A new iPhone makes us happy and also unhappy in the same moment. So the question is which is first: happiness which appears as unhappiness sometimes, or unhappiness which appears at times as happiness?

And why do people conclude that the love for something or somebody can and should fill their hearts with joy? How sure are they that their hearts aren’t already filled with spontaneous lasting joy? There’s nothing wrong with looking outside ourselves for reasons to be happy but don’t let the temporariness of caused happiness delude you into thinking that causeless eternal joy is not already present within you as well.

The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve ..
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all ..

sorgo †

Feb 16, 2016
Sweet post. Who- or whatever we come to know as a cause for joy or happiness however has a degree of misery or unhappiness in it as well. A new iPhone makes us happy and also unhappy in the same moment. So the question is which is first: happiness which appears as unhappiness sometimes, or unhappiness which appears at times as happiness?

And why do people conclude that the love for something or somebody can and should fill their hearts with joy? How sure are they that their hearts aren’t already filled with spontaneous lasting joy? There’s nothing wrong with looking outside ourselves for reasons to be happy but don’t let the temporariness of caused happiness delude you into thinking that causeless eternal joy is not already present within you as well.

The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve ..
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all ..
Beautiful. That song always gives me goosebumps.


macrumors 6502
May 23, 2010
What really amazes me are the folks who DO hang on to their phones for many years.. yet are still enthusiastic enough apple fans to be hanging around and participating in an Apple forum! That’s truly impressive lol

I for one enjoy reading and agree with both perspectives, but I will be upgrading for many of the reasons listed by others. Mostly because I’ve decided it’s something I enjoy and get even a small amount of material pleasure and benefit from. I’m fortunate in that my purchasing decision at the moment doesn’t affect or change any other meaningful aspects of my life - my wife and I don’t have kids yet and we go on several vacations a year etc. etc. (the experiences being more meaningful than objects)

I definitely disagree with some of the opinions that ‘it’s just a phone’. While there are needs for multiple devices/tools in our lives I’d venture to guess that the phone is the most essential for most of us. It’s the one item in my life I’d immediately replace if broken/lost whereas my computer, my iPad, even car etc. i know I could go without for a bit.

But if the phone is lost, I’d be at an Apple Store the same day to not interrupt my life lol


macrumors 68000
Apr 27, 2016
New Jersey
Wow this turned into quite the poop storm. Y’all seem to be missing the fact that OP is basically calling everyone sheep because she/he has a different opinion on when a phone should be upgraded:

“Apple and its legions of followers will make you think you need to separate yourself from $1,500 of hard-earned money to get a new phone.”


macrumors regular
Aug 30, 2007
I will probably buy the iPhone 14 plus. I also own an 8 plus and the battery is still fine. Unfortunately the camera is somehow damaged. And NFC doesn't work anymore. The 14 iPhone Plus will make better photos. That 's the main thing for me and hopefully work just fine.
An SE plus would probably be a nice successor but I don't wanna wait any longer.
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macrumors 65816
Jun 16, 2009
It's that time of year again, when Apple and its legions of followers will make you think you need to separate yourself from $1,500 of hard-earned money to get a new phone.

Here's a checklist I use when thinking about acquiring a new phone.

1. Will the phone do anything I need? No.
2. With the new phone, will I end up doing exactly the same things I'm doing with my present phone? Yes.
3. Will the phone make me happier? No.
4. Will the phone make me poorer? Yes, in several ways.

Food for thought...

So today I got a new battery for my 8 Plus. Totally happy, and probably good for another 2 years. :)
More power to you. But I generally make money from year to year upgrading. Buy the cheapest trade in for roughly $150. Get the phone for “free” with bill credits. Sell the phone I’m upgrading from for ~$300. Rinse and repeat every 2 years. My bill with TMo is -$56 for this month (yes, negative) for 4 phones, 4 cellular watches and TMo home internet. And I’m about to sell all my iPhone 12 handsets and use the $149 iPhone 11 from total wireless as my upgrade.


macrumors newbie
Sep 6, 2022
This phone will not cost me $1500 actually. This phone will cost me 12 months of IUP. Going from 13PM to 14PM.

I don't understand why people make these type of threads. If you cant afford it or not upgrading that's all you. No need to bash our fun times. My neighbor just got a 911. Should I bash him about it because I cant afford one yet?
No you shouldnt be bashing him just becasue he bought the porsche 911. But should scold him that the real man drives a real man’s car like 1965 Shelby GT350R.

Grown man in 911, this looks indecent for some reason. It looks pretty decent when a celebrity like Kristen Stewarts is paired with such an amazing art piece
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