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macrumors 68020
Mar 18, 2023
Thanks - those look nice and I know are well made. I don’t think my wife could charge it using nightstand mode though - right?
They have magsafe, all folios would be the same the flap would hang over the back I guess.


macrumors 601
Feb 9, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
i got the regular esr glass but just initiated a return and getting these. i assume they’re a higher quality.

Oh yea friend, you will be better off with the Armorite series. Still looks brand new on my 15PM.
Synthesis black or gray for black phone?

Guess those new color cases are no coming until October.

Black on black is clean, but I do like the contrast with a gray case on black. Going black this year for the first time since 12 PM


macrumors newbie
Jun 26, 2019

Just ordered this case, something to hold me over until more proper cases come out with capture button cover. Should be good enough for now.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 1, 2019
Caudabe Synthesis Gray for my 16 Pro Max Titanium. Should look real nice and clean. 👍 I loved the Synthesis so much for my current 15 Pro Max. I am doing it again this year! Also bundled Caudabe crystal screen protector with it! It will be my one and only case as well this year. Yes, it’s that good!


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2007
Does anyone know if I purchase a Caubabe case now with a camera control button cutout, they will replace it for free if they ever come out with a version that covers it, like they did last year with the action button?

I posed that question to customer support and they have yet to answer.

I am worried about the Caudabe cases. Last year they had a huge debacle with their iPhone 15 cases released with a hole for the on/off switch when it had been changed to an action button. I heard that some people had to fight customer service for a replacement.

This year they "claim" Apple sent them the specs in advance and that their action button cutout will work, but after seeing the overlay Apple put on their cases, I am not convinced.

I am going with an Apple silicone cover for now and will wait for YouTube reviews on the new Caudabe cases. In any event, the Caudabe cases aren't even going to ship for another two weeks at least and I'll need a case day one.
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macrumors 68000
Aug 4, 2010

Ordered the subcase unicorn beetle. I want the green apple silicone but I usually find silicone too slippery so I’m going to wait till I can get to an Apple Store to see what it’s like in person.
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macrumors regular
Oct 8, 2007
So I’m getting the Lumen and Desert Titanium. I need someone to tell me what color to get. I love pink and I think the pink looks awesome, but I’m not sure it would look good with Desert. I also like the green and I feel like it would go best with Desert. But pink :( I’m so torn. I think I’m reluctantly leaning toward green.

I’m going to order tomorrow after I put my preorder through. I don’t want to spend the money on a case and have something catastrophic happen and not be able to get the phone 😅
I ordered the Lumen in green from the Apple Store. I am disappointed because when it arrived, the color of the Mag circle is solid green rather than the iridescent green that is shown on the site. I need to exchange it and I hope the other green ones are of thr iridescent green.
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