I really doubt the processor is what's behind the 1 min performance discrepancy. The flash may have more impact but there is something else going on. The guy in the video, at the end suggests something about Android encryption being the culprit of the slow down, notice the major slow downs seem to occur while loading the game data. I haven't seen anyone address this factor, I think we need more information and tests before jumping to broad conclusions.
When I first got my Note 5, I somehow managed to trip Knox into encrypting my phone, I had no idea but it certainly slowed it down, startup/reboot times were nuts long.
I reset the phone and was and has been fast as a fast thing.
The problem with these video tests are that it's easy for a result to be achieved either willingly or unwillingly. I've seen these type of test done where one phone even betters the other phone/s, and the narrator will say the complete opposite, these tests are not conclusive as the variables are many, the person conducting the test is usually the biggest variable.
People need to learn what Destroy means....
What's funny is how salty some of you get over a video that shows the shortcomings of a Samsung phone.
I forgot to add the screenshot of how better implemented Apple's wrap around could work.
I wonder who'll be making that for apple when they decide to do more than a scribble in a few years time...
In the meantime, Samsung's implementation is the best full stop.
Apples has a me too drawing waiting at the patent office...
It's funny how salty and how far offtrack people get over any criticism of thier proffered product.