For real his toke spoke with a tmo rep and she said apple has stopped iphone 7 plus production in order to make the demand and value high.
I have the same window but nothing yetAny other black 7+ 128 charges? Any with the 9/27 window?
Any other black 7+ 128 charges? Any with the 9/27 window?
TotallyI've been contacting them every 25 minutes, should I be okay?
On the other hand though I live in Houston,TX and there wasn't a single iPhone7+ in the entire greater Houston area for T-Mobile and thats as far as I bothered to search. They could have known that at least one person might want a iPhone 7+ in Houston. It was just a bad launch but stuff like this happens all the time doesn't mean its ok though when they were advertised like they were on sale and available. Simple announcement before launch would have lessend the blow a little.
Delends on who in this forumn you believe. Either he'll get it after the 27th or he'll get it by Friday. One of the two.Nope per above info you won't get it till after the 27th.
Nothing towards you but i would believe that theory if more reps say that.
How exactly could they be "held accountable"? Granted they are a public traded company, but they have the freedom to produce as many of their product(s) as they see fit and only have to answer to themselves (even if their small ownership had any say, stock holders aren't going to punish their own investment). Limited supply creates a higher demand and inflates price/value.
Sneaker industry is another perfect example. All the big companies produce limited amounts of sneakers to generate demand (or as we in the industry like to call hype) and drive up the value of the product. Nobody threatens to hold Nike or Adidas accountable and have done this for decades. They supply however much they damn well please.
Both examples show that a good product, smart supply decisions, and high perceived product value lead to successful business. The only thing they have to account for is profit margin.
He or she looked at your ship dates on your order and told you it should ship out any day now.Peep this.
Wow she made that shipping assumption from your dates lol. Reps know nothing.Peep this.
MB 7+ 128gb 9/27-10/10 nothing yetAny other black 7+ 128 charges? Any with the 9/27 window?
Same hereMB 7+ 128gb 9/27-10/10
It's rather apparent you won't have any updates yet.
You must not understand the wireless phone world. ALL carriers, not just TMobile, are going to push ANYTHING over the iPhone because they make VERY little profit on the iPhone. They make a CRAP TON more profit on ANYTHING other than the iPhone. And it's not just the iPhone, it's ALL Apple products. I worked for Verizon for about 2 years (iPhone 4s-iPhone 5 range). The samsung Galaxy S4 came out during this time, and we made about 150-175$ in profit per phone. The HTC Incredible made us close to 250$ in profit. Every iPhone we sold, made us about 30-40$ in profit.
So tell me, if you were running a wireless store or carrier entirely, wouldn't you want to make more profit?
You got a shipping notification??MB 7+ 128gb 9/27-10/10
No second thoughts here. Each and every product release has some glitches. On the very tiny chance that I get a problem unit, I'll wait till demand has settled and exchange it.Between the hissing sound and now remotes on earphones not working, are any of you guys having second thoughts about the new phones?
No second thoughts here. Each and every product release has some glitches. On the very tiny chance that I get a problem unit, I'll wait till demand has settled and exchange it.
Just confirmed by T-Mobile. " we mishandled your order and that pushed you out three weeks. Sorry, but we can't fix that"
It's not Koolaid. Maybe you need to study up on the theory of supply and demand.
Hope this isn't too off topic but I just want to get everyone's opinion. Will many issues coming out over the new phones. Between the hissing sound and now remotes on earphones not working, are any of you guys having second thoughts about the new phones? I don't usually get rattled but I don't know lol. I've been fortunate enough to never have an issue with an iPhone in the past so not sure what to expect. What do you guys think?