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Has the majority of No Service scenarios occur when the device is traveling? For example, my device has only been impacted when in transit. Maybe we are dealing with a tower handoff issue. Just thinking out loud.

That's been my experience. While in transit no service, while stationary bounces between 3G and 1X. I did get no service once while at home.
Anyone test just using 3G and disabling LTE? See if the signal drops? I apologize if this has already been stated.
Maybe to add call and data (slow) stability 3G is the answer until we receive a patch. Again, just a thought.
Keeping and using the excellent 6s until members report this issue has been permanently fixed. Voice Over LTE is very important for quality phone calls, needed for work and when calling clients, etc.
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I actually have a new theory. I just had a 10 bout of no service on my drive home. I had google maps active the whole 40 minute drive. The whole way down the highway, there's like a dozen visible cell sites, all right along the highway. I know I've always had good service through there and never lost it before. Now midway through the trip, as I passed within 200 ft of cell sites, my reception never went above 2 dots of LTE, strange. Then all of a sudden I started picking up different towers and reception would go up. Once I crested the top of a small mountain with a cell site located on it, i dropped to one dot, then no service. This was puzzling as I was on top of a mountain. I toggled airplane mode, still wouldn't connect and said no service. Finally, 3 miles down the road FULL reception came back of LTE and stayed that way for the remainder of the trip.

Now old blackberry devices, you were able to enter engineering mode on engineering flashes firmware. You were able to see all neighboring cells and active ones and pin point where they were on a map by coordinates. Now I don't think our engineering "field test" mode is that advanced without other software. We were able to physically choose to connect the phone to each cell site as we see fit, based upon reception and even "lock out" known weak cell sites to avoid bad connections.

Now I have a hunch that something is whacked with the current Carrier Settings and it's keeping the phone from using the closest, strongest cell sites. I bet the phone is staying connected to fast sites (hence the drastically lower reception) and is refusing to hand off properly to the next available site. Sounds like a somewhat solid theory? That could explain why the phones default to 3G or 1x. The tower the phone is trying to use is too far and it's bumping down to what it thinks is better reception but in reality, there are indeed closer towers it's refusing to see. This could explain why before when I was at work, I went into field test mode and looked for neighboring cells and the phone said "0". I must've been connected to a far tower when think there's some on the roof of the building across the street from me (county courthouse).
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Come on macrumors! Give us some front page publishing to make sure this issue is well known! You did so for tmobiles issue!
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Also, another question. I have cell network search turned off, always had it off on my 6. But long shot, anyone else have it turned on and still have the issue? Worth trying.
Just happened to me.

Just happened while I was surfing the web. Tried resetting network settings, airplane mode, removing the SIM and putting it back in, restarting phone and nothing.

Can't get near a Apple Store until next Wednesday as I'm away on holidays... f*kn annoying. It'll show service then when I try to access data it'll drop out.

Anyone got any other fixes? I just updated to 10.0.2 this morning - to me it feels it was this update that killed it. Had it once on 10.0.1 and then used airplane mode and it fixed itself...
I actually have a new theory. I just had a 10 bout of no service on my drive home. I had google maps active the whole 40 minute drive. The whole way down the highway, there's like a dozen visible cell sites, all right along the highway. I know I've always had good service through there and never lost it before. Now midway through the trip, as I passed within 200 ft of cell sites, my reception never went above 2 dots of LTE, strange. Then all of a sudden I started picking up different towers and reception would go up. Once I crested the top of a small mountain with a cell site located on it, i dropped to one dot, then no service. This was puzzling as I was on top of a mountain. I toggled airplane mode, still wouldn't connect and said no service. Finally, 3 miles down the road FULL reception came back of LTE and stayed that way for the remainder of the trip.

Now old blackberry devices, you were able to enter engineering mode on engineering flashes firmware. You were able to see all neighboring cells and active ones and pin point where they were on a map by coordinates. Now I don't think our engineering "field test" mode is that advanced without other software. We were able to physically choose to connect the phone to each cell site as we see fit, based upon reception and even "lock out" known weak cell sites to avoid bad connections.

Now I have a hunch that something is whacked with the current Carrier Settings and it's keeping the phone from using the closest, strongest cell sites. I bet the phone is staying connected to fast sites (hence the drastically lower reception) and is refusing to hand off properly to the next available site. Sounds like a somewhat solid theory? That could explain why the phones default to 3G or 1x. The tower the phone is trying to use is too far and it's bumping down to what it thinks is better reception but in reality, there are indeed closer towers it's refusing to see. This could explain why before when I was at work, I went into field test mode and looked for neighboring cells and the phone said "0". I must've been connected to a far tower when think there's some on the roof of the building across the street from me (county courthouse).

Same issue here.could possibly be the way the phone communicate with the towers while using volte I have noticed with it to data only doesn't happen at all and my gf hasn't had the issue she has never had volte enabled
No dropouts yesterday. Anyone still getting them?

Edit: had 2 dropouts today so scratch that, I'm still getting them even on 10.0.2. What a joke, and Verizon or Apple has not even hinted there is an issue. This is really bad, it's disrupted the business calls I make in my car going to/from work.
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I've only noticed it while traveling in a car. I've wondered if it has to do with the handoff from one cell tower to another.
It appears our only option for the moment is to disable volte and lose all of the benefits of this. Keeping it enabled is not just annoying because of no service issues but also dangerous while driving because you get distracted when gps flakes out. So this has become a safety issue as well. We should all call in to VZW and demand some sort of credit.
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Great test would be to use either a ATT or T-Mobile sim on VZW iPhone but I don't have access to these. Anybody here can test this maybe?
My guess is that most people didn't enable VoLTE so most people don't have the issue, thus why no press.
When I re-enable VoLTE, I can re-create the problem in minutes.
They should be able to figure out what's wrong fairly quickly.
Get an iPhone 7 on Verizon, enable VoLTE, and just drive around, simple.
Great test would be to use either a ATT or T-Mobile sim on VZW iPhone but I don't have access to these. Anybody here can test this maybe?
I have a Verizon phone with a ATT sim. What is the problem people are having is the phone loosing LTE services while on a call
I used my iPhone 7 Plus SIM card in my older iPhone 6 Plus and had issues with dropping calls / service. Wonder if it's the new SIM card that is to blame.
I used my iPhone 7 Plus SIM card in my older iPhone 6 Plus and had issues with dropping calls / service. Wonder if it's the new SIM card that is to blame.
It's not the SIM card. It's been tried by several people here without success.
I used my iPhone 7 Plus SIM card in my older iPhone 6 Plus and had issues with dropping calls / service. Wonder if it's the new SIM card that is to blame.

I was having the issue with my iPhone 6 SIM card in my 7. So I switched it to the SIM the 7 shipped with and still have the issue. I really think the actual network is faulty too.
I actually have a new theory.
Now I have a hunch that something is whacked with the current Carrier Settings and it's keeping the phone from using the closest, strongest cell sites. I bet the phone is staying connected to fast sites (hence the drastically lower reception) and is refusing to hand off properly to the next available site.
This is a fairly sound theory. I like it.
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