There's basically nothing that can be done at the store, Genius Bar or Verizon tech support ... I know we're all hoping for some sort of "do this and your phone will be better" fix, but save yourself the time. Nobody can vix it byt Verizon.
The only thing you SHOULD do is call Verizon tech support and report the issue and reference the support ticket 102095-091716, to add yourself to the issue.
Here's what we know right now:
* The exact issue is your phone will drop off LTE and bounce between 1x/3G. You probably won't go back to LTE without going to Airplane Mode and back. If you're using VoLTE, your call will drop as well.
* SIM swaps and device swaps don't do anything
* 10.0.2 (new general release) and 10.1 beta 1 do not fix the issue
* Verizon has a ticket number that you can reference ticket 102095-091716 - call 611 and add yourself
* Turning off VoLTE (Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data > Data Only) helps control dropped calls, but not data dropping to 1x/3G
* The problem is worse when you're moving between towers (esp. in a car), but can happen staying in one place
* The most current carrier version is Verizon 25.1
* The most current PRL is 15480
Others, please feel free to add to this.