I wonder if sprint is expiring this if not then we can assume it's software related
They are not.
I wonder if sprint is expiring this if not then we can assume it's software related
Hey man, I'm from Australia and had a no service drop last night completly random. Mine was jammed for about 45 minutes and then came back to life. Got in touch with Apple support via twitter and DM'd back and forth and said that they wanted to run some diagnostics on my phone to resolve the issue (or find a cause)I wonder if sprint is expiring this if not then we can assume it's software related
Question for you guys: when you all get No Service have you checked your settings and About? My phone when it switches to No Service loses the ICCID line. There's a SIM in the phone, but it's like it's not detecting the SIM. Like I said SIM swaps don't fix it... I just stopped restarting my phone.
They just might seem like they are, but on every phone lol.They are not.
I purchased a 7plus Verizon phone to use on T-Mobile last week and am having a similar yet different issue as well. I've noticed that when out traveling or at work I lose LTE connection and it defaults to wifi for a minute or so but then comes back on it's own if I disable wifi. Obviously the work around is to disable wifi but then when I'm home I have to remember to toggle it back on. Could this be somehow related to this threads members problems as well?
Or maybe I need to register the phone with T-Mobile as I just popped my sim in from my old 6s plus which never had issues? Would that even matter at all?
I'm on the phone with Verizon now, they say that issue tracking number we have been using isn't valid anymore.
Just a heads-up for those having issues getting Verizon to pull up the issue number.
The "Issue Tracking" number 102095-091716 is valid. It's NOT a "ticket number". They file tickets for individual problems and ticket numbers use a different format. The "issue tracking" number is from their technical forum database where they track more widespread issues when problems are being reported by multiple customers.
You need to call 611 and ask for tier 2 technical support and explain that this is a widespread issue and that it is being tracked in their issue tracking system under the number 102095-091716.
Popping in the SIM card is all you need to do. So you're using a Verizon iPhone on t-mobile and experiencing LTE dropouts or no service?
Correct, LTE dropouts with no service, won't connect to anything.
Had this same issue. I bought my phone through Verizon on release day, but I went to Apple and told them I experienced the issue when the phone was brand new, and when using a SIM from another phone. Almost no question, they replaced it immediately. So far, the drive home was locked in LTE, like always with my 6S. Will let you know if it improves after the drive to work Monday.
I wish I took pictures, but I noticed the refurbished or replacement phone Apple gave me had noticeably darker antennae lines compared to my day one iPhone 7 Silver 128GB which had antenna lines which were brighter white. Probably nothing, but would be interested to see comparisons.
Never had this happen, maybe its new, but the Apple rep said my phone was going to be delivered to engineers, and asked if they had my permission to contact me and ask me specifics of the issues. Either that is new, or they know something is wrong.
Update. Sad to report, my replacement iPhone 7 is exhibiting the same behavior in my limited travel around town. I will know more after Mondays trip to work, but I'm anticipating the issue will be there. Hopefully this is more of an indication that its a software issue and fixable.
wow wait a sec, I thought t-mobile fixed this issue on their network. maybe this is hardware related?
Under settings > general > about what is the carrier Verizon you're on? 25.2?
I'm not sure why people are consistently cheering for T-Mobile and that we should get T-Mobile engineers for Verizon. The article here clearly states that their own carrier update + iOS 10 bricked all phones. It is not iPhone 7's but anyone that did the update to iOS 10.wow wait a sec, I thought t-mobile fixed this issue on their network. maybe this is hardware related?
Under settings > general > about what is the carrier Verizon you're on? 25.2?
Carrier is T-Mobile.
And on 25.2
I'm not sure why people are consistently cheering for T-Mobile and that we should get T-Mobile engineers for Verizon. The article here clearly states that their own carrier update + iOS 10 bricked all phones. It is not iPhone 7's but anyone that did the update to iOS 10.
I can see this being a hardware issue that is not prominent and very small scale. As I've stated before, there are millions of phones out in the same cities that we are affected in. Only a small number of people are affected, hence no action from either Verizon or Apple. If everyone phone was affected then it would've massively blown up with lines out the door as a previous poster said.