If you have ever rocked an Android phone on VZW then you know what the issue with them is. And Apple, well, you all must be holding it wrong. In all seriousness I'm glad that some are being told that Apple and VZW are working on a fix, but I am shocked it has taken this long. It's not like it has the intel radio in it where it's new hardware so new code/etc. This is your std Qualcom radio.....would it be so hard to just push an older carrier "update", or an older one that was at least known to be stable?
Are you referring to how Verizon likes to remove settings and features from their android phones?
No you're right it shouldn't be hard to push out a stable carrier update or Unless they are not working on this problem and they just lying to us. This is on too many tech blogs for them not to hurry up and correct this issue unless they know that some of these iPhone 7s/ 7s plus need to be replaced in order to effective correct this problem. In addition, Apple doesn't want to acknowledge touchgate or screengate but so many people were affected by it.