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This is a pain.
this all has to be software/network related. way to many variables out there (numerous carriers, centered on VZW though, different phones, different locations). carrier settings 25.5 may contain the same bug or issue that 25.1 has. I don't think its the phones hardware.

I would have to agree with you. Lets just hope that both Apple and Verizon can squash this bug soon.
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Try reseating the SIM card or go onto your account and make sure that SIM shows as active on your account. The constant swapping may confuse or cause issues for the cdma side of the phone I think. Hot swapping pure GSM SIM cards is one thing. But these are still cdma phones under the hood.

I thought VZW doesn't whitelist thru CDMA since iPhone6 when they launched VoLTE and just treats it as GSM with CDMA fallback?

Before updating to 10.1 beta, it lost the signal and was "No Service" for more than 30mns and I decided I need to try the beta.

Anyway, I've already erased the phone and still return tomorrow. I'll just wait when the JB becomes available to reserve.
My phone has been losing service every time I use the gps. I was on the turnpike and it randomly started telling me to turn left while I was in the middle of the highway going 70. So is this a Jersey problem? Or am I going to need to swap my phone out?
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I'm having dropped service here in South Denver, CO. Was on 1X my whole way home when I usually get LTE.
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Report it to Verizon using the same trouble ticket number we all use. It actually may be tied into our local network here in NY/NJ or only affecting certain markets.
There are some people in SF, Colorado and some parts of Texas with the same problems too.
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Nobody says it can't be fixed. But even if they had a fix, every carrier goes through their own set of certifications. Last thing you want is to hose a million phones and make it even worse.

That's true. But I'm just shocked to see so many people with the same kind of problem at the launch of a new iPhone. I should not have used the word fixed.
My 7+ AT&T began showing "no service" about an hour after I got it friday :( 4G (but no LTE and couldnt access data) was on and off sporadically for the rest of friday. Woke up saturday to "no service," took it to AT&T got a new sim, worked for about 15 minutes. Spoke with apple numerous times over the weekend, they had me try all sorts of things...we conference called AT&T a couple times, restored network settings, restored from itunes, nobody knows whats wrong with it. AT&T thinks its a hardware issue, Apple advisors say they escalated it so now "their engineers are working on it" Yesterday I put in for an express replacement, and nobody seems to be able to tell me when I will actually be receiving the new one, just that they assure me it will be as soon as possible. And every single one of them made sure I was aware that were back-ordered...which isnt a good sign. So now ive got a $956 hold for god knows how long....
Im pretty pissed about this whole situation. This is only my second iphone, but I had greater expectations for apple I guess. I honestly told everybody on friday that I was sure it would get taken care of "this is apple we're talking about" Man, was I wrong. You would think when you send out thousands of phones in one day you would expect some to be defective, and would have adequate replacements for such a problem.
And to top it all off, Im reading all weekend about people getting free gift cards and cases, because their phones were delayed....some by a day.... I asked an advisor about possibly getting reimbursed for the tempered glass I put on my phone as soon as I took it out of the box, and his first response was that they dont replace third-party products...I told him I only need a replacement because the phone they sent me didnt work, and I dont want to take this one and slap it on my new I wrong?
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Mine seems to have gotten better this afternoon / tonight hasnt happened i switched back to volte around 3PM
Just googled "iphone 7+ no service" and Im seeing some the issues we're complaining of are making news. Iphone 7 and 7+s having service issues after turning off airplane mode...Not the reason mine shows no service, but i think they may be related. ...

"Complaints about the problem are growing. An AppleInsider reader noted that his AT&T-based iPhone 7 went into "no service" mode nine times on Sunday, and that the carrier's support staff said they're getting a number of similar calls. A support representative suggested that the issue may be attributable to the iPhone 7's SIM tray, which could be allowing cards to shift enough to lose contact.
Reaching out to an Apple retail source, AppleInsider was told that "most, if not all" of the ongoing problems with Airplane Mode may actually be attributable to a "slightly askew SIM."
It's so intermittent that personally I wouldn't bother changing the phone. It has to be software related.
Nobody says it can't be fixed. But even if they had a fix, every carrier goes through their own set of certifications. Last thing you want is to hose a million phones and make it even worse.
Service is absolutely horrible with the new 7+. Verizon better get it fixed quickly
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It didn't at all. In fact, my iPhone7+ now doesn't connect at all. Just says "No Service", even after a restart and network settings reset. It searches but still "No Service"

Try reseating the SIM card or go onto your account and make sure that SIM shows as active on your account. The constant swapping may confuse or cause issues for the cdma side of the phone I think. Hot swapping pure GSM SIM cards is one thing. But these are still cdma phones under the hood.

I have an AT&T JB 7+, I went to the AT&T store to get a new sim card, after trying with 3 new sims nothing. Same issues as mentioned above, "No Service" even after resetting network settings, restarting the phone. I updated to iOS 10.1 beta and the issue still persist. I went to the apple store and the only thing they can do is to replace the phone, because it might be a faulty hardware issue but expect to wait 5-10 business day to get a replacement.
Just googled "iphone 7+ no service" and Im seeing some the issues we're complaining of are making news. Iphone 7 and 7+s having service issues after turning off airplane mode...Not the reason mine shows no service, but i think they may be related. ...

"Complaints about the problem are growing. An AppleInsider reader noted that his AT&T-based iPhone 7 went into "no service" mode nine times on Sunday, and that the carrier's support staff said they're getting a number of similar calls. A support representative suggested that the issue may be attributable to the iPhone 7's SIM tray, which could be allowing cards to shift enough to lose contact.
Reaching out to an Apple retail source, AppleInsider was told that "most, if not all" of the ongoing problems with Airplane Mode may actually be attributable to a "slightly askew SIM."

If the issue is the sim card tray it would show "No SIM" instead of "No Service" I think the problem has to do with the new LTE chips or Carrier settings in iOS 10. If it is iOS the issue would be much simpler however when you go to the apple store to get it diagnostic they would just replace the phone so probably apple is acknowledging that some 7 and 7+ have faulty LTE chips.
After all that Verizon just asked me to try rebooting the phone, WTF?

That's pretty awesome. At this point in the game, I'm fairly confident we've all tried the old restart trick (which, although it does resolve a fair number of issues, clearly ain't helping with this!!)
So after toggling advanced calling + wifi calling (both off, then both back on in the reverse order)... I haven't lost my cellular connection once. I just lost GPS for the last 20 minutes of my commute.

I guess I can deal with that until 25.2 or 10.1
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