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macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2016
i dont get it, why do people think that just because they were charged, that it automatically means they'll get shipping info/or tracking? i know for some it happens that why but it isnt always the case and some times it takes a few for the systems to update for the customers order to show shipping information. patience boys.

Because most companies don't charge until an item actually is shipping or preparing for shipment. I know for me as a consumer, I feel you shouldn't take my money and not give me a status update as to why you took it. IJS


macrumors regular
Dec 30, 2010
Sunnyside, New York
Because most companies don't charge until an item actually is shipping or preparing for shipment. I know for me as a consumer, I feel you shouldn't take my money and not give me a status update as to why you took it. IJS

i understand, but it doesn't always work that way. sometimes info gets lost, it happens. but if your card was charged, your good. that means its processing and getting ready to get to you. at least you have that comfort, i haven't gotten charged yet.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 23, 2015
I ordered a black 128gb and a gold 128gb on 9/9. Did it by phone, talked to a real person. They did it as 2 separate orders and at the time I was told not to expect delivery until mid november. Got the EIP within minutes of the orders going through.
They both have estimated shipping between 9/27 and 10/10 but my credit card just today shows a pending charge for 1 of the orders. Both orders say UPS next day delivery as the mailing method.


macrumors regular
Dec 30, 2010
Sunnyside, New York
I ordered a black 128gb and a gold 128gb on 9/9. Did it by phone, talked to a real person. They did it as 2 separate orders and at the time I was told not to expect delivery until mid november. Got the EIP within minutes of the orders going through.
They both have estimated shipping between 9/27 and 10/10 but my credit card just today shows a pending charge for 1 of the orders. Both orders say UPS next day delivery as the mailing method.

oh awesome! i currently have the same time frame for shipment and i signed the EIP early saturday morning. so maybe just maybe, i'll get some info soon. :-D
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macrumors member
Sep 26, 2012
I just got a text with a tracking number from TMO. Gold 32 + has shipped. 128 black still processing.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 24, 2013
I don't think anyone has gotten charged yet for the black or jet black 7 plus, regardless of storage capacity.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2016
i ordered a 7+ 128gb Jet black on friday morning around 1am over the phone. When i received my eip friday afternoon i realized that the person who took my order messed it up and had ordered a 7 instead of a 7+ . I called immediately friday night and got the order redone. Of course i lost my spot in the queue and now I'm looking at a Nov 1 - Nov 30 delivery .
Sucks big time.


macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2008
There have been people who ordered 32GB Jet Black 7 pluses and have had their cards charged. Also a poster in the main T-Mobile thread said that their 128GB Silver plus got charged..

So I'm thinking the Jet Blacks will probably be charged at some point tomorrow. They must be amongst the last to ship.


macrumors 6502
May 24, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Ordered in store on 9/9 a 7+ 128gb Black with 9/27-10/10 dates. I also had a quick question about what you guys paid when trading in a iPhone on their promotion? Also what will we pay in the end?
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macrumors regular
Dec 30, 2010
Sunnyside, New York
Ordered in store on 9/9 a 7+ 128gb Black with 9/27-10/10 dates. I also had a quick question about what you guys paid when trading in a iPhone on their promotion? Also what will we pay in the end?

i did the promo, since i upgraded to the 128 gb 7 plus, i got two, so it came out to be around $440. so basically it was 220 each i believe. i haven't been charged yet. hmm i think that sounds about right lol.


macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2016
So im curious who else has gotten charged for their device but no shipping info?


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2016
I ordered the 128 silver 7 plus and my card was charged today even though my delivery range was 9/27-10 /24 I ordered early and dealt with t mobile at 1201 am on that Friday although I did not officially get the order through till 7 am on Friday. my daughter is a manager for t mobile call center on the commercial side and she says t mobile does not charge cards early.a charge indicates progress so be happy if ya get one.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 12, 2007
It took more then 12 hours from me getting charged to getting anything to show up with UPS, so have some faith, if you were charged you'll get it. I'm hoping I didn't make the mistake of changing my shipping address to pick up at a UPS store by my office though, if I have to wait all weekend because it take an extra day I'm going to hate not calling in sick Friday.


macrumors 6502
Sep 24, 2013
Got some news from the local store managers I've been in contact with. It's not good news. No pluses at all. The only phones they are getting are 128GB black regular 7. And each store is only getting enough to count on one hand. One store said they were only getting 2. Looks like I gambled and lost. Calling the executive office back and hopefully having her order our phones and having her "expedite" them like she offered Saturday, but it's probably going to be no help now. First time in 4 launches I won't have a phone on launch day, mostly all because of T-Mobile and the JOD fiasco.
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