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macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
i don't know... it's the same as these stupid ani-mojies. Jobs would have done things VERY differently.
(actually the Emojis stuff is really just an opening for the future but that's another discussion)

They shouldn’t have released the animojies as a headline feature. Hard to say what jobs would have done though. He may have just resigned by now anyway.


macrumors regular
Sep 28, 2013
Coming from an iPhone 6+. Here's a portrait shot I tried.


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macrumors 68020
Nov 27, 2011
Your subject will be in better focus with more detail being captured. Hold on a sec and I'll link up an example.

It's at 6:04 in this video that compares the iPhone 8 Plus camera to the Note 8 camera in videos first then stills.

If you want to see the original go to YouTube and look up SuperSaf TV.

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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
A few taken today with just the inbuilt camera app and with the HDR turned off. I've tried to offer a diversity of images here.

For some reason, a few of these images don't appear to be showing on this forum, however if you click on them and select to open them in a new tab, they are actually there for you to view! o_O

These first three were taken in fairly low light, which is confirmed by the lack of hard shadows from above, being in a very large shed. The camera actually coped with the low light levels very well. The skylights in the first two have blowout highlights. In the third image the highlights are blown out on the meat packaging in the display fridge and also in the doorway up top of the frame, but considering this is not a DSLR it's quite impressive.




Now an assortment of shots, again with the HDR turned off.






And now, testing the portrait mode out on a friend.



Now a couple of landscapes. The inbuilt camera app copes well when you face away from the sun, as shown in these two images, but falls apart when faced with bright clouds, which it blows out, so there is no detail in the whites and quite large sections of the sky turn white, rather than being blue, but to be fair, even DSLR's struggle with this too. It is very common for photographers to blend together two exposures, one for the highlights and one for the shadow details in post production software. This is what the HDR feature of the iPhone's attempts to do, and I am about to discuss in another thread, with many before and after examples to illustrate its benefits and shortcomings.



And finally, a Moreton Bay Fig Tree's roots, which presents a pretty wide dynamic range with a bright sky, sections of the roots lit by the sun and some deep shadows. Quite a lot for a little sensor to try and cope with, but this camera did pretty well actually, considering the huge challenge thrown at it!



In previous comments, I have mentioned using a third party app for access to the RAW image files, which require you to edit them to bring out the details, colours and vibrancy that's available from them, but for those of you who just want something straight from camera and using the inbuilt camera app, it's quite capable indeed!

None of these images presented in this post have been edited, they were imported into Lightroom, no profile fixes were applied to them and they were just exported as jpegs, so they are straight out of camera, basically.

Personally, I find the Portrait Mode to be a bit of a gimmick and I'll shoot using a third party app, as the RAW files have so much more information within them, something I quite enjoy drawing out of them in Lightroom and Photoshop, but for the 99% that don't, you will enjoy using the inbuilt camera app, I'm sure and will be well pleased with the results you get from it.
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macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
It seems Apple hasn't improved the algorithm to sharpen the edges. I have an iPhone 6s+ and can't wait for the X. Here's a sample of some photos I've taken with my Note 8 just for comparison.

20170909_150904 by Motogq, on Flickr

IMG_20170913_190542_236 by Motogq, on Flickr

Those pictures are amazing. I was just about to run out and but the 8 plus and forget about the X and then you said it was the note 8 which I already have but haven’t a chance to put through its paces yet.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 15, 2012
Those pictures are amazing. I was just about to run out and but the 8 plus and forget about the X and then you said it was the note 8 which I already have but haven’t a chance to put through its paces yet.
The stills are great on the Note 8 but the video is disappointing. 1080p 60fps is still really jittery unlike my iPhone 6s+ which blows it out of the water in that department.
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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
It seems Apple hasn't improved the algorithm to sharpen the edges. I have an iPhone 6s+ and can't wait for the X. Here's a sample of some photos I've taken with my Note 8 just for comparison.

20170909_150904 by Motogq, on Flickr

IMG_20170913_190542_236 by Motogq, on Flickr
Have to agree with you, Apples masking is pretty shoddy, you lose all the fine hair details on your subjects. Not a problem for your two images if they had have been taken with an iPhone, as neither of them has any fine detail to their extremities! I'm sure the fanboys won't notice it or complain about it when they receive their X's! ;)


macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2017
United States
Two quick shots with the new flash. I’m impressed, the second one you can see the flash reflect off the glass but it still looks pretty good in my opinion.


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macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2012
Great photo!!! I'm at work but have my new phone waiting to be set up! Can't wait!

Same here! My 8 Plus is waiting to be unwrapped,unboxed and activated soon as I get home which is about a hour and a half! Can’t wait to test out the new portrait lighting modes and 4K video.
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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
HDR and lightly edited in VSCO Cam

Actually, this is a really good example of the iPhone 8 plus using the inbuilt HDR feature. It hasn't opened up the shadows at all and as a result there is very little detail to the black Pug and the brindle markings on the other dog are barely visible. They really need to work on their inbuilt HDR algorithm some more!


macrumors newbie
Jun 9, 2017
Trinidad & Tobago
Ever since I got my 7 I've noticed that "watercolor" look, it appears to be heavy handed noise reduction or compression? I don't like it at all and it seems to be worse in certain shots vs others. Over all the pics look pretty good, but I can still see it in the first pics. Nice color, but that effect is GARBAGE and the lack of detail is disturbing. I love Apple products but wish that issue would be addressed.

I've noticed this on the 7/7+ as well and it's on the 8/8+ for me... Very disturbing


macrumors 68030
Nov 3, 2005
Had to be compressed some. Slight edits in VSCO.
The stills are great on the Note 8 but the video is disappointing. 1080p 60fps is still really jittery unlike my iPhone 6s+ which blows it out of the water in that department.
I have the 8+. Had the 7+. I’m not sure 6S+ isn’t the overall best camera of the bunch...especially if you take pictures of people.


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