*1 My iPhone 3GS has made calls on its own a couple of times, last night I left it on a side table in my living room, and went to my bedroom around 10:10. Then around 11:00 I was online with my laptop and my friend said I called him, which I didnt so I went and checked my phone and it had a Recent call from 10:21. I was not even close to the phone when it made this call. This is scary, as I've read that people have had this happen to them and the person who is being called in the background can hear your conversations without you having a clue.
*2 My iPhone has also started playing ipod music on its own without me doing anything to start it. I also have read others have reported this. Very strange!
*3 Auto-brightness on my 3GS seems odd, it doesn't seem to follow a steady pattern, I always keep the brightness under 40% and auto-brightness on.
When it's locked and I hit the home button the screen seems pretty bright, then right after I unlock it and I can see all the icons it looks much darker. Also, as others have reported, it does not seem bright enough in brighter places and when the surroundings are dimmer the screen appears much brighter.
*4 This is getting even weirder: I have email notifications off and only fetch new info when I open my email program, email program was not running, iphone locked and in my pocket and it made that little sounds it does when fetching new data, twice in less than 20 min, completely random.
I am starting to feel frustated, specially because of the ghost calls! should I go to the apple store? I found several posts where people have reported this but nobody came up with an answer.