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I have been having two main issues with my iPhone3GS since I updated to IOS4.

1. Random restarts: I'll be listening to music or on a phone call and suddenly I can't hear anything, When I look down I see the Apple logo and the phone goes into restart mode.

2. Battery drains dramatically faster. I would love to know why this is. I find myself constantly having to monitor what is open and closing everything every time I touch my phone to try and conserve battery but even that does not seem to help. I'm not sure if this is due to the new multitasking issue but I feel like it must be. Is there a way to turn multitasking off?

Is anyone else experiencing these issues?

my battery dies pretty quickly as well.... :confused:
On the iPhone 4 certain apps, i.e. Sci Fi Reader and CBS Radio don't load. They get to the open screen and the close on their own sending me back to the Home screen. Please help.
Those aren't iPhone or iOS bugs, they're bugs with those particular apps. Report the problem to the developers.

I'm having the proximity sensor issue as well. :( If I don't keep my ear mashed up against the phone, my ear and cheek start pushing buttons. That's the most annoying thing about the iPhone 4 for me.
Just noticed something about bluetooth and wifi

I was downloading over wifi some free tv shows from itunes and thought while it was doing that I would pair up my jawbone. When I turned the bluetooth on and let the phone go to sleep it popped up that my download was over the limit and I need to connect to wifi. I tried it again and the same thing happened. I turned off the bluetooth and my shows are still downloading over wifi.
iPhone 4 proximity sensor issue

Any one having trouble with the proximity sensor. Mine doesnt' work i.e. the screen stays active when I am on a call - the phone goes on mute and/or activates speaker phone/face time; Sometimes, another number gets dialed automatically.

Any one aware of any quick fixes ? I plan to visit the Genius bar in a couple of days
Buzzing noise

The only problem that I am having is that when I am on a call I can hear a faint buzzing noise. Is anyone else have this issue?
Email doesn't push automatically

I have had every single iPhone that has came out, including my new iPhone 4. I am having an issue where my email doesn't push automatically, it just works manually even though I have the settings set for push on. My other previous iPhones always pushed my emails immediately without my doing it manually. I tried turning push off and back on and rebooting my phone but still no luck...
Birthday Sync Issue

I believe since updating to iOS4 my birthday dates are one day off between my iPhone and my mobile me iCal account; and is displaying the incorrect -1 day date in my 'birthday' calendar. :confused: My iPhone contact list birth dates are correct, however the mobile mac birthdate is one day prior - as I'm in Australia and MobileMe is base in USA - could it be a translation across time zone error that needs addressing?

Has anyone experienced this issue and even better - rectified it...
I have an iPhone 4 and for some reason there is no changeable time intervals in the passcode settings. The only option I have is immediately. It's so lame. I like having a passcode but can't have it go off and make me type In the code every time I exit out of the phone. I liked having it set to 5 or 10 minutes. My friend has a iPhone 4 and his settings have the different times. I've restored twice with same result...*

This happens when you reset the iphone on iOS4. Before the reset you can set different intervals. Happened on my friend's iphone. Hopefully Apple will address this.
Lock sound bug

I never dropped my phone. Sometimes when I am on my textfree app, if I do not close the app and just click the on/off switch at the top of the phone the lock sound will click and continue to click non stop and rapidly for 3 seconds. I then will have to reboot my phone for it to stop.
iOS4 bugs

Recently updated 3G to iOS4 (wish I hadn't). After it updated, it did not put everything back on phone. I was asked to setup as new device or restore from backup. Easy fix, right? No!! The backup is apparently encrypted (though I know I did not setup a password), so I cannot get to my stuff. I have spoken with several others who have installed the update, both with and without encrypted backups, and not one of them was asked to restore from backup or needed a password. Their phones had everything on them that they had prior to the update. The best part is that Apple doesn't have a "forgot password" or "hint" or workaround to be able to get to my stuff. Anyway, my bug is that something went wrong with the update and now I'm screwed!!! Hopefully, this hasn't happened to anyone else, but for my sake, I hope it has, so that maybe Apple will do something about it. Thanks.
Something seriously wrong with what i can only guess to be my home button

I just got my iphone 4 yesterday. I first noticed the problem when my voice command thing kept popping up for no reason. Then i noticed that the multitasking bar would pop up and down and up and down and that my iphone would fling itself to the search tab without (all of this can happen with me not even touching the phone, sometimes). Sometimes when the phone is locked i see it turn on and then then ipod quick controls strobe off and on and off and on. Sometimes when i lock the phone it takes a screencap for no reason. I can only assume that my iphone thinks im pressing the home button when i'm not. I havent been able to find anything about my problem anywhere. Please help if you can.
I have an iPhone 4 and for some reason there is no changeable time intervals in the passcode settings. The only option I have is immediately. It's so lame. I like having a passcode but can't have it go off and make me type In the code every time I exit out of the phone. I liked having it set to 5 or 10 minutes. My friend has a iPhone 4 and his settings have the different times. I've restored twice with same result...*

Take a look here:
I have been having two main issues with my iPhone3GS since I updated to IOS4.

1. Random restarts: I'll be listening to music or on a phone call and suddenly I can't hear anything, When I look down I see the Apple logo and the phone goes into restart mode.

2. Battery drains dramatically faster. I would love to know why this is. I find myself constantly having to monitor what is open and closing everything every time I touch my phone to try and conserve battery but even that does not seem to help. I'm not sure if this is due to the new multitasking issue but I feel like it must be. Is there a way to turn multitasking off?

Is anyone else experiencing these issues?

Yes, the second one.
I've tried everything, from deleting apps, to closing safari's tabs and every apps from taskmanager. Sometimes battery drains, sometimes not; for me the only way to bring back to normal use was deleting mail account(s) from mail app and check e-mails via http :confused:
I've noticed a strange behaviour in mail since ios4: usually my iphone is setup without notifications, only manual fetch etc, no push at all, but sometimes open contacts app, or receive a text message made mail app to automatically download e-mails, this never happened in ios 3.1.3. It seems like that mail app remains blocked in a loop trying to do something in background, but occasionally other services unlocks the loop for some reason. At first i thought that was safari auto-refreshing sites in background, but after a week of experiments i'm pretty sure it has to be related to mail.
It would be usefull if someone else could try it.
iPhone 4:

If you're in the camera app and touch the flash options button while the screen is rotating, the buttons will get hidden on the side of the screen forcing you to restart the camera app.

Not a big bug, but it surprised me when I accidentally hit the flash options button when I rotated the screen.



Another bug I still get is that my title bar sometimes gets stuck when I rotate my phone.

not sure if this is a bug or not, but the calendar icon does not update automatically if you put it in a folder.

for example, if you place the icon in a folder it it shows say 'sunday, 11', come midnight, it will not change to 'monday, 12'. however, when you open it, the date will be correct; the icon will stay at 'sunday, 11' though.

it's an aesthetic thing but i really hope they 'fix' this in the next update :rolleyes:
I have a 3GS on 4.0. For some reason in my iPod app if I go to artists and click on one, one of two things pops up: 1. the old, pre 4.0 screen with the various albums. Or usually, 2. A white screen with the iTunes logo that says "no music. You can download music from iTunes".
Despite this, all the songs are still on the iPod app and will play from the "songs" screen but the new artist screen won't come up. Anyone have this problem? Or a fix?
yahoo mail won't delete any messages

After updating to 4.0.1, my yahoo mail will not remove messages. This is on the iPhone 4.
Proximity Sensor Issues.

Yes, I have had this very same issue happen a few times now.

Since upgrading the iPhone 4 to 4.0.1 the proximity sensor issue is worse. I'm using the iPod in my pocket and it goes to Messaging, I"m on the phone and suddenly the speaker is on. I have to lock the device every time to prevent wandering apps syndrome.

Did anyone at Apple demo the design before going into production? This is lame.
iPhone 4 toggles between streaming radio to ipod

When walking in the morning I listen to a talk radio station. iPhone 4 has this habit of going from streaming radio station to ipod. I have turned the touch screen off by clicking the button on the top right of the phone but for some reason my phone wants to play the iPod. Anyone else having this issue?
i haven't upgraded to 4.0.1 yet, but girlfriend as on her phone.
and she as noticed that in the text/message app, there is now a subject heading!
no biggy but when she goes to reply to a text/message. it doesnt bring up the keypad.
she as to leave the message/text app, and then go back into it, then it will allow her to start to type
I managed to break the compass on the iPhone 3GS by shaking the phone.

For some reason, the compass became stuck between North and North-West. Very confusing when every direction is north.

How I Fixed: Hit the phone against a soft surface until the compass showed a correct reading again.
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