"they are on ALL iPhones"..... nope, they are not visible on all and thats the problem. I have been using mine since the 29th. Finally today I got my hands on one the the 7 series. After using my phone for so long, I can confidently say the 7 series I handled had a horrible screen. Now, maybe not ALL 7 series have bad screens, but no one seems to have an issue with the 5 series. The 7 series had VERY VISIBLE white dots/grid, there is NO WAY this is by design. Also, the colors were washed out even on reduced brightness. In short, horrible contrast, NOT better contrast. On my 5 series phone the blacks look really sharp and dark with little backlight bleed, even on full brightness it becomes but a very dark grey as any LCD does when compared to a true black. But the 7 series had an almost grey screen all the time.
And to say its by design is wrong. If it is by design, then there is something wrong with mine, and I am GLAD!
So to look further on my phone, since I could not see them. I turned brightness full up (normally I keep it at about 40%) and entered the photo app and took a black photo. I then turned the lights off and took a VERY close look. This is what I found:
The first image is the black photo being viewed, not an active camera. The second is the same screen with controls up. Brightness is at 100% with auto-brightness off and again, lights off in room to help. This is the ONLY way I could see them and even then, they are barely visible dead on - the phone must be tilted a bit.
awesome shots.
i took the liberty to repost them at howardforums.
any chance you could take the SAME picture of a 5*** and a 7*** side by side?