To the mock-ups...
Absolutely stunning! I really like your representation of how you would like iProcrastinate to turn out. Personally, I think it is nearly perfect. I wish I could have your version of iProcrastinate right now. I definitely support just having one app, since, being a student, it would be nice to have my classes and their assignments in one section, but then be able to quickly flip over and view/edit my general to-dos. I strongly advocate having a grades feature. No other iPhone app does, nor is there any Mac app *which is still supported* that supports grades either. There are plenty of great (not always free) to-do apps out there for the iPhone and Mac which work great, but there is nothing at all really for students (please correct me if I'm wrong). So it would be nice if some emphasis could be placed on students here. Being able to enter in your syllabus at the beginning of the quarter and check off your assignments and enter grades as you go would be great. I would pay anything for that - I just wish someone would make such an app. Keeping iProcrastinate alive for non-students is also important, but I don't see why we can't please both parties.
Absolutely stunning! I really like your representation of how you would like iProcrastinate to turn out. Personally, I think it is nearly perfect. I wish I could have your version of iProcrastinate right now. I definitely support just having one app, since, being a student, it would be nice to have my classes and their assignments in one section, but then be able to quickly flip over and view/edit my general to-dos. I strongly advocate having a grades feature. No other iPhone app does, nor is there any Mac app *which is still supported* that supports grades either. There are plenty of great (not always free) to-do apps out there for the iPhone and Mac which work great, but there is nothing at all really for students (please correct me if I'm wrong). So it would be nice if some emphasis could be placed on students here. Being able to enter in your syllabus at the beginning of the quarter and check off your assignments and enter grades as you go would be great. I would pay anything for that - I just wish someone would make such an app. Keeping iProcrastinate alive for non-students is also important, but I don't see why we can't please both parties.