Actually if you have issues with build time usually this a more complex thing that core count, build performance many times depend more on disk access performance than cpu/ram further thread count is secondary too since few compiler tasks are multi threaded (each code file is compiled by a unique thread) , also not all code files can be build at same time, and some have to wait other files to compile, and unless you do a full rebuild compilers IDE only build those code files modified and links to the previously build binaries, so I still don't see the hurry for multiple core multi socket developer system, the biggest impact you'll get from the storage system, I do remember now that the faster Xcode development machine right now is the 2015 iMac retina 27 on full ssd with that 4.2 GHz i7, leaves far behind the previous iMac retina and far far away the Mac Pro, because the new iMac 27 ssd is a more than twice faster also the i7 single thread speed is the fastest (long integers or double precision ).
Then I'm really hoping for that iMac type of storage in the next Mac Pro The 2013 is a code crunching monster for me. It does have more cores available than the iMac so I wonder how that makes them each compare in terms of compiling things. I'm really excited for the next version of the Mac Pro since it will have such fasters storage and hopefully e5 v4s - which kind of will make this post a little bit of a moot point (for most developers)t considering it's single CPU with so many more cores available. Though what Apple will make available is a different question entirely.