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^^^^ Too EARLY is more like it lol. They are apparently delaying the release until Apple releases the 3.0.1 software update, who knows when that will be, I never even heard of a 3.0.1 update until reading the Dev team announcement today, 3.0.0 JUST came out last week.

*sidenote* Will they then need a JB for 3.0.1? Like do they need to make a new jailbreak for every X.X.X software or is it just the first number that matters and the JB works for all versions of that software? For example if you have 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2 etc, does ONE jailbreak cover 'em all or would that be 3 different JBs? Again, sorry for all the Qs, just tryin to absorb the knowledge, we all gotta start somewhere haha.
Yeah I read the Dev Blog yesterday and got excited when they basically announced that they found what they were looking for to jailbreak it. Been (im)patiently waiting for a JB since getting my 3GS at 9am June 19th. Then I see the announcement today about them having it, but holding off cuz not everyone has one yet?!? Furthermore, they say that Apple could very well find, and FIX, the exploit before they release it. Why even announce they succeeded then? It basically just teased all of us and told anyone at Apple that may be monitoring it that it's been done (hence them not giving us status updates in the first place).

IF Apple fixes the exploit before this JB is released does that mean that we will never get a 3GS jailbreak or will the dev team just have to go back to the drawing board and find another exploit?

I'm gonna be pretty pissed if we can't jailbreak the 3GS because the biggest draw of the iPhone for me was the customization that the JBs allow and had I known the 3GS possibly can't be jailbroken I would have just gotten a 16GB 3G. Customization is WAY more important to me, by far, than a compass and 3mp camera (my friend has a normal 3G and I honestly can't see a noticeable speed difference in either Internet browsing or app opening speed). I just went with the 3GS because I was signing a new contract (switching over from Sprint) so the 32gb "faster and better" 3GS was the same price as the 16GB 3G, so why WOULDN'T I pick it? Well, not being able to JB would have been that reason.
That is so messed up! I can't believe the Dev team didn't consult with you before you made your purchase. Seriously, wow! The nerve of them.
That is so messed up! I can't believe the Dev team didn't consult with you before you made your purchase. Seriously, wow! The nerve of them.

The Dev Team never promised whatever ! They never announced a release of a JB for the 3GS. It is completely unfair to blame them for whatever.

Yeah I read the Dev Blog yesterday and got excited when they basically announced that they found what they were looking for to jailbreak it. Been (im)patiently waiting for a JB since getting my 3GS at 9am June 19th.
That was your decision and the dev team never said that we can buy the 3GS since there will release a JB tool for it.

IF Apple fixes the exploit before this JB is released does that mean that we will never get a 3GS jailbreak or will the dev team just have to go back to the drawing board and find another exploit?
The fw 3.0 is JBable and will be. If you already have your 3GS, get your certificate with the ECID and you're done. Just wait for the JB to be released.

The problem will be for the people who:
- will buy a 3GS with a 3.0.1 fw
- have a 3.0 GS and and don't have their iBSS certificate.

How many people do you know that dont know the word "Jailbreak".

The vast majority of iPhone owners know the word "Jailbreak" but connect it to convicts breaking out of prison.

This thread proves there's nothing people won't whine about.
I really don't think it really matters if they release the 3GS jb/unlock now or later, because after 3.0.1 is released, there will be 3.0.2, etc. Waiting for Apple to make the first move has never been the case and if the Dev team is awaiting for that to happen, 3Gs users shouldn't expect any real jk/unlock for their phones any time soon. And that newer version could plug the very hole the Dev team is using.

I feel the Dev team has hit a wall with the 3Gs and holding onto what they have and waiting for the right time to make the biggest impact, but it's a futile effort.
The Dev team has always been the first one to make the move and break whatever firmware was presented and they need to keep doing that. It may be harder to crack the 3Gs, but they need to evolve their methods, even if it does take longer to accomplish.
I really don't think it really matters if they release the 3GS jb/unlock now or later, because after 3.0.1 is released, there will be 3.0.2, etc. Waiting for Apple to make the first move has never been the case and if the Dev team is awaiting for that to happen, 3Gs users shouldn't expect any real jk/unlock for their phones any time soon. And that newer version could plug the very hole the Dev team is using.

I feel the Dev team has hit a wall with the 3Gs and holding onto what they have and waiting for the right time to make the biggest impact, but it's a futile effort.
The Dev team has always been the first one to make the move and break whatever firmware was presented and they need to keep doing that. It may be harder to crack the 3Gs, but they need to evolve their methods, even if it does take longer to accomplish.

3.0 has its bugs as will all initial releases.

It is wise to wait for 3.0.1, if not Apple may be able to undo the good work the Dev team will do.

Now, it is reasonable to consider that the 3.0.1 will be stable enough to use and develop on for the long-haul.

For example, I have not upgraded to my iPhone 2G's 2.1.1 to 3.0 and have no real need to do so from a functional / stability point if view.

Once the Dev team crack a 3.0.1 this should satisfy most users for a while.
I'm sure I don't understand all the technical stuff behind jailbreaking and how Apple might respond, but doesn't the Dev Team's announcement today do exactly what they say they are trying to avoid -- that is, let Apple know the exploit they are using to jailbreak, and/or how to plug said exploit?
I'm sure I don't understand all the technical stuff behind jailbreaking and how Apple might respond, but doesn't the Dev Team's announcement today do exactly what they say they are trying to avoid -- that is, let Apple know the exploit they are using to jailbreak, and/or how to plug said exploit?

the jailbreak is a 2-step process.
the first step uses the same hole as the ipod touch 2g and is hardware-based, meaning apple can't do anything to fix it until they release a new iphone model.

the second step apparently is to upload the firmware itself, or something like that, and Apple is signing the firmwares to be specific to each device, so they colud change something in the signing method that renders jailbreaking impossible for the time being..

so they announced they have a way for the 1st step, which Apple can't do anything about.. and they're waiting for 3.0.1 to be released so they can publish the jailbreak. 3.0 will last very little time, a month top, if not weeks. 3.0.1 will be a lot more stable and will last much more, a few months, meaning that the dev team will have more time to deal with possible responses from apple to lock us out of step no. 2.
the second step apparently is to upload the firmware itself, or something like that, and Apple is signing the firmwares to be specific to each device, so they colud change something in the signing method that renders jailbreaking impossible for the time being..

so they announced they have a way for the 1st step, which Apple can't do anything about.. and they're waiting for 3.0.1 to be released so they can publish the jailbreak. 3.0 will last very little time, a month top, if not weeks. 3.0.1 will be a lot more stable and will last much more, a few months, meaning that the dev team will have more time to deal with possible responses from apple to lock us out of step no. 2.

See, that's what I don't understand. Wouldn't Apple now know to fix Step 2 when they release 3.0.1? (See sections I bolded.)
So what do we do with the file from the ECID dump ? Does that let us restore the original iboot (with the exploit in it) after future firmware updates or what ?
Once we do this procedure and get the info we need, we can just restore from backup and get all of our information back, right?
So why do we need to go to Is anything being done with folks ECID's? Surely this could copy locally, save, then be run through the code generator and folks save to their local machines.
Thats what I want to know too.
Why do we have to generate that file thru that website and possibly give out our ECID's to him?
Wouldnt writing down that 15 digit number be good enough?

So why do we need to go to Is anything being done with folks ECID's? Surely this could copy locally, save, then be run through the code generator and folks save to their local machines.
Thats what I want to know too.
Why do we have to generate that file thru that website and possibly give out our ECID's to him?
Wouldnt writing down that 15 digit number be good enough?

Exactly, I believe the site can generate the certs we'd need, but why not teach us how instead of doing for us. :) This way we can be certain that our ECID's are not being captured somehow. My forensic computing mindset may be over analyzing here but there's potential for misuse it seems. :)
ok I think I understand now, so they don't want to release it yet, because they "know" 3.0.1 is coming soon and they don't want Apple to fix the holes in their jailbreak release??
Ok I found the ECID

Its there, it took me a few to find it also since theres so many serial numbers and digits all over that screen.
You gotta scroll to the right a little and look for ECID, then copy and paste it.

I pasted the ECID below the picture and I pressed enter and I got a download file which has some weird symbols and letters on it. I saved it so I guess am done.
ok I think I understand now, so they don't want to release it yet, because they "know" 3.0.1 is coming soon and they don't want Apple to fix the holes in their jailbreak release??


The x.0.1 releases normally tend to be 2/3 weeks after the original. I'm assuming it might arrive this week or the next.
That is so messed up! I can't believe the Dev team didn't consult with you before you made your purchase. Seriously, wow! The nerve of them.

Are you some kind of moron? I get your lame attempt at "putting someone in their place" with sarcasm. Problem is, it doesn't apply to what I said. Decent attempt to be funny/cool on the Internet though.

I NEVER said the Dev Team should have "consulted me before my purchase", I simply said had I known the 3GS possibly couldn't be jailbroken I'd have prolly just went with a normal 3G. That statement in no way is negative toward the Dev team or implying they "consult with me", so learn comprehensive reading before dropping sarcasm next time please.

What my post was ACTUALLY about was the fact that the decision to announce the JB was successful yet NOT release it seems counterproductive as a few days earlier they said they will give us no updates on it so that Apple doesn't find and fix the exploit before release. Now they just announced to the world that they were successful but are holding off til 3.0.1, which only APPLE knows the release date of and now could just be held off til APPLE's own team finds and fixes the exploit. Do I think that chain of events will happen? Not really, but still, announcing it and not releasing it is counterproductive and contradictory to their own logic just a few days prior.

And the "not enough people have a 3GS yet" excuse is pretty lame too. PLENTY of people do, hence the sellouts and mass preorders on June 19th, and so what if Apple "could" figure out what you exploited? For one, they just told us the same exploit was there from the 3G (or was it the Touch? IDK, it was one of 'em, they just wrote about it the other day) so obviously Apple doesn't care as much as they think, or it wouldn't have been left in the new model. Second, a LOT of people thought the 3GS would take as long as the Touch to crack, yet it was a little over a week til they had a fully working JB (allegedly, as it's not released so we don't ACTUALLY know), so even IF Apple fixed something between 3.0.0 and 3.0.1, it's not like they wouldn't just find another exploit.
Are you some kind of moron? I get your lame attempt at "putting someone in their place" with sarcasm. Problem is, it doesn't apply to what I said. Decent attempt to be funny/cool on the Internet though.

I NEVER said the Dev Team should have "consulted me before my purchase", I simply said had I known the 3GS possibly couldn't be jailbroken I'd have prolly just went with a normal 3G. That statement in no way is negative toward the Dev team or implying they "consult with me", so learn comprehensive reading before dropping sarcasm next time please.

What my post was ACTUALLY about was the fact that the decision to announce the JB was successful yet NOT release it seems counterproductive as a few days earlier they said they will give us no updates on it so that Apple doesn't find and fix the exploit before release. Now they just announced to the world that they were successful but are holding off til 3.0.1, which only APPLE knows the release date of and now could just be held off til APPLE's own team finds and fixes the exploit. Do I think that chain of events will happen? Not really, but still, announcing it and not releasing it is counterproductive and contradictory to their own logic just a few days prior.

And the "not enough people have a 3GS yet" excuse is pretty lame too. PLENTY of people do, hence the sellouts and mass preorders on June 19th, and so what if Apple "could" figure out what you exploited? For one, they just told us the same exploit was there from the 3G (or was it the Touch? IDK, it was one of 'em, they just wrote about it the other day) so obviously Apple doesn't care as much as they think, or it wouldn't have been left in the new model. Second, a LOT of people thought the 3GS would take as long as the Touch to crack, yet it was a little over a week til they had a fully working JB (allegedly, as it's not released so we don't ACTUALLY know), so even IF Apple fixed something between 3.0.0 and 3.0.1, it's not like they wouldn't just find another exploit.

Chill kids. The fact that JB is always free they owe you nothng! It sucks we got to wait but if youre going to complain then do it yourself.

I wish it was out sometime this week but obviously its not going to be but oh well. I'll try to patiently wait and understand.
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